奧裏特•阿瑟瑞 部分作品

時間:2010-06-09 15:33:28 | 來源:藝術中國


boy cowboy, silver gelatin print into lambda print, 10x16.42cm , 1972

牛仔男孩 銀鹽底片列印 10x16.42cm 1972


Boy Marcus , Lambda Print on matt paper, 1974, 7.5x12cm.

小馬庫斯, 亞光紙,彩色照片,平板式列印, , 1974

The first time Ashery is dressed as an Orthodox Jew was in 1974, at the age of 8. As a girl Ashery was walking with her father in the orthodox neighborhoods in Jerusalem, and at a young age noticed that women have less accesses to religious knowledge and rituals. Ashery developed a fetish for Orthodox Jews from a young age.



Boy Cowboy Amongst Friends , lambda print ,30.21cm, 2003

牛仔男孩與朋友們 照片列印 30x21cm 2003


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