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  中國網浪潮資訊  石塘是浙江省溫嶺市轄鎮,是一個古老的漁村集鎮,舊稱石塘山,原為一海島。石塘也是我國最早迎來第一縷曙光的地方。早在上世紀八十年代,國內各地畫家喜歡到石塘寫生,被稱為“畫中鎮”,“東方的巴黎聖母院”。

Shitang, a municipal town in Wenling, Zhejiang, is an ancient fishing town, which was call Shitang hill, formerly an island.Shitang is also the first place in China to usher in the first ray of dawn.As early as the 80s of the last century, artists from all over the country liked to sketch in Shitang which was called "the town of painting" and "the Notre Dame de Paris in the East".



Shitang to get such a high reputation, because the natural environment richly endowed by nature, and unique cultural customs.Shitang faces the sea on three sides, in accordance with the stone as a natural barrier behind the hill. Cliff stands out in the sea, embracing the sea, the sea clinging to the cliff. The houses and roads in the town are built up and down with the ground. Stone houses,stone streets,stone lanes,stone stairs and so on are all the stone buildings of "houses close to mountains,mountains around houses".These buildings close to rivers and mountains, well-proportioned, with gorgeous colors. They don't have stereotyped Matchbox style in big cities.With the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, the sea is varied and colorful...



Because of the ancient fishing village scenery, the sea interest and the unique folk customs, Shitang town is charming everywhere.It appears like a bright pearl in the works of contemporary art masters in China like Liu Haisu, Wu Guanzhong, A Lao, Shen Roujian, Yan Han. It has become an artistic activity world among artists, photographers and art college teachers.

  (中國網綜合  翻譯杜依依)(推廣)

來源: 中國網    | 作者:中國網綜合    | 責編:丁薩     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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