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Zhejiang Liangzhu ancient city relics apply forWorld Cultural Heritage is officially initiated
     發佈時間:2017-04-26 13:35:54    

  中國網浪潮資訊  北京時間4月25日下午,浙江省文物局副局長曹鴻在浙江省文物局舉辦的文物保護工作座談會上介紹道:“良渚古城遺址申報世界文化遺産的工作,正朝著2019年申遺的目標全力推進中,目前申遺程式已正式啟動,將良渚古城遺址、良渚遺址水壩和瑤山遺址納入遺産申報範圍。如果成功,杭州將擁有三處世界文化遺産(其餘兩處為杭州西湖文化景觀、大運河浙江段)。”

CNCAO NEWS  On April 25 afternoon, in thesymposium for protecing cultural relics held by Zhejiang Municipal Administration of Cultural Heritage, Deputy Director-General of Zhejiang Municipal Adiministration of Cultural Heritage–Cao Hong introduced,Zhejiang Liangzhu ancient city relics are dedicated to the efforts in applying for the listing of World Cultural Heritage moving towards its goal of being World Cultural Heritage in2019. At present, application for World Heritage is officially launched.The coverage of it includes Zhejiang Liangzhu ancient city relics, Liangzhu Dam,Yaoshan relics. If successful,Hangzhou will have three world cutural heritages(the other two are Hangzhou West Lake, Grand Ganal in Zhejiang)



It is said on March 10 of 2017, Yuhang Distric of Hangzhou has held launched mobilization meeting of Liangzhu applying for World Cultural Hertage and establishing Liangzhu culturenational park andannounced the start of applying for World Cultural Heritage. At the same time, the phase one of national Liangzhu cuture park started its construction.



It is know, there are 2 world cultural heritages ,231cultural and historical sites listed under the state protection,910provincial-level key cultural relics protection units(including the just-published 286Seventh Batch of Municipal Degree Cultural Relic Protection Units) and 4,700 cultural and historical sites listed under the city protection in Zhejiang.During the third national immovable archaeological survey , altoghther7,000 immovable cutural relics were investigated and entered up. The total number of immovable cutural relics investigated, entered up, new discovered,is ranked first in China.


  (中國網作者楊雲寒 見習作者 安靜 綜合   余樂/譯)

來源: 中國網綜合    | 作者:楊雲寒 見習 安靜 余樂/譯    | 責編:胡金     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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