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Tonglu, in Zhejiang Province: Turn fabulous resource into excellent economy.
     發佈時間:2015-08-21 12:36:03    


  風景變産業 美麗變生産力

  Scenery becomes industry, and beauty becomes productivity as well.


  According to the leader group in Tonglu County, the biggest advantage of Tonglu is its ecological environment, so is its main brand. Therefore, in many occasions, leaders in Tonglu County Committee stressed repeatedly that even if it may develop slowly, people should protect the mountains and rivers.


  Hence, Tonglu strengthened the policy of “County Environmental Strategy”. Based on the positioning of “Most beautiful county in China” and target of “Tonglu takes the lead in building beautiful China”, the county totally got rid of the “administration after contamination” pattern. What deserved to be mentioned is that during the process of construction of ecological civilization and beautiful country, Tonglu considered all the 183 administrative villages as an entire scenic area and every village as a sightseeing spot to promote the construction.


  “The fine environment doesn’t mean people get nothing but the view. Instead, it can benefit people through transferring the landscape into real wealth.” Said Limin Xu, the director of the Tonglu tourism committee.


  Recent years, Tonglu not only strengthens infrastructure construction in the rural area, but also improves the supporting facilities of the tourism industry. The county combined the rural construction with the development of rural tourism and industrial development, all these lead to the innovation of introducing B&B industry. In 2013, Tonglu started the “B&B in every village” project.


  In June, 2013, with the encouragement of county government, Zhou began the first B&B in Huangxi Village. Unexpectedly, after one year, there were 20 B&B demonstration villages appeared in Tonglu, among the county, there are fourteen villages and towns accomplished the scale management of “B&B in every village”. The average occupancy rate of Zhou’s is five rooms per week and it can add fifty or sixty thousand in revenue every year.

  統計顯示,2014年,桐廬接待遊客1010萬人次,旅遊總收入超過100億元,其中農家樂接待遊客達220.3萬人次,實現經營收入1.42億 元,並帶動了億元農産品銷售。在今年春節黃金周,桐廬共接待遊客18.72萬人次,旅遊總收入1.84億元,與去年同期相比增長7.1%。

  According to statistics, in 2014, number of tourist reception in Tonglu reached ten million and one hundred thousand tourists, the total revenue exceeded ten billion RMB. Among these, “Nongjiale” received 2.23 million tourists, achieving operation income of 142million and sales income of agricultural products of 100 million. In spring festival golden week, number of tourist reception in Tonglu reached 187 thousand and 200 hundred tourists. The total revenue was 184 million, increasing by 7.1% compared to that of the same period of last year.


  Nowadays, Tonglu is on the road of sustainable development, then it realized a fabulous turning from beautiful country to beauty economy. As the ecological economy become a new focus in economic development, beauty economy become villagers’ fantastic life finally. (Reporter Bin Li)

來源: 中國網    | 作者: 李斌 翻譯 魏欣    | 責編:張苗     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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