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Tonglu, in Zhejiang Province: Turn fabulous resource into excellent economy.
     發佈時間:2015-08-21 12:36:03    



  中國網新浙視線訊(作者 李斌) 桐廬環溪村,因一面靠山三面環水而得名。老周今年50多歲,一直跟老伴生活在環溪村,孩子因工作忙常年不在家,但老兩口每天清晨都要絞盡腦汁多備些不同品種的早餐。

  (China Net Zhejiang Channnel) Huangxi Village is located in Tonglu. It is named after its geographic position. The village is surrounded on three sides by water and has mountains on the back.Zhou is over 50 years old, and he has been lived here with his wife all along. Their children are busy with their jobs,so they are merely at home. Even though, the couple still have to rack their brains about adding some different kinds of breakfast every morning.


  “Actually, everything is just fine with us, we prepare everything mainly because we want guests who live here can have as many options as possible,” Zhou told the reporter.


  In June, 2013, leaders in the county suggested Zhou to reform his house , which was handed down from forefather in Qing Dynasty, into a B&B. Considering the rural scenery in Tonglu, as well as the neat and tidy environment have attracted more and more tourists to come to the village, Zhou decided to become an early adopter. Hence, The first B&B in Huangxi Village was born.

來源: 中國網    | 作者: 李斌 翻譯 魏欣    | 責編:張苗     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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