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攜手湯尤杯 “羽·翼”雙飛
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English News
  • Manufacturing Strong City④丨Chengdu is closely following the trend of

    Manufacturing Strong City④丨Chengdu is closely following the trend of "green and low-carbon", injecting "new" forces into industrial development

    The 2024 government work report mentioned the need to strengthen ecological civilization construction and promote green and low-carbon development Promote the green transformation of industrial structure,energy structure,transportation structure,and urban-rural construction development Promote the research and application of advanced technologies for energy conservation and carbon reduction,and accelerate the formation of a green and low-carbon supply chain Build a leading area for beautiful China and create a highland for green and low-carbon development

  • Manufacturing Strong City③丨Financial support for high-quality development, increasing the confidence of Chengdu enterprises in going public

    Manufacturing Strong City③丨Financial support for high-quality development, increasing the confidence of Chengdu enterprises in going public

    On April 9, under the guidance of the New Economic Committee of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology and the Office of the Financial Committee of Chengdu Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, sponsored by the Western Base of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and organized by the Chengdu Modern Financial Industry Ecosphere Alliance, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Science and Technology Financing V-Next Investment and Financing Roadshow Platform, and the Chengdu Industrial Internet Development Center, the "Cultivating New Quality Productivity and Accelerating the Development of Industry - Integrated Circuit Industry Session " was successfully held in the Western Base of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Nearly 80 representatives from top companies in the integrated circuit industry and more than ten financial institutions in Chengdu attended the conference, promoting and exchanging ideas through communication channels established by the government, and matching investment institutions to provide equity financing to enterprises in need

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  • 青春啟航 閃耀向上
  • 傳承優良家風 爭做時代新人
時代光影 百部川揚
時代光影 百部川揚