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The first animal-themed street block in China to be located at Nanbin Road
作者:Jiang Yiwei 來源:Hualong Net 時間:2021-02-18 12:47:01責編:Su xin


Nanbin Road, to enhance the aggregation effect of cultural industries (Photographed by Guo Xu)

According to Nanbin Road Construction and Development Center, SUPER ZOO, the first animal-themed block in China, will soon appear on Nanbin Road and is expected to open in April this year.

It is introduced that this block is located at the heart of Crown International Floor 1-3, and covers an area of about 5,500 square meters, integrating coffee houses, coffee plants, western food restaurants, retail, cultural experience, science programs, audio books, children’s amusement and art exhibition, and exploring more space possibility on people, products, and scene. From the strong space design to comprehensive transformation of aesthetic life, it brings new upgraded brand perception, and will become a new“web celebrity” of Chongqing in the future.

It is worth mentioning that the Coffee Culture Center at this block is the largest coffee roasting factory in the southwest region, which can allow citizens and tourists to experience the industrial civilization era at close range and bring visual feast. In addition, domestic or world famous coffee industry official competitions and forum activities will be held regularly here, and the Center will become a place for domestic coffee lovers to visit. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei





