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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-09-07 09:29:44 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


展覽介紹: “海世盛樓”以上海世博會為背景,分析世博會與上海城市發展的關係,探究後世博現象。通過8位國際當代藝術家的介入——以多元的視角,獨特的數字影像手法尋找和記錄世博會給上海帶來的日新月異的變化。本次活動不僅是一次地鐵公共空間中當代藝術的嘗試,更是一次藝術教育和人文考察的實踐活動。

Invisible City is an exhibition comprising of eight International artists in the South Railway Metro Station in Shanghai. It coincides with the World Expo 2010, incorporate art interventions and addressing the relationship between the urban dwellers and the modern phenomenon of Shanghai at the specific time the World Expo, through a process shaped by research, educational programmes and artistic practices.

開幕式Vernissage: 6. September 2010

展覽時間Exhibition date: 6. September -30. September 2010

展覽地點Venue: 上海火車南站地鐵站一號線和三號線的換程通道/The pedestrian passage way between South Railway Metro Station Line 1 to Line 3 ,Shanghai, China

策展人Curator:汪單 Wang Dan

項目執行Executive Officer:陳文佳Chen Wen Jia,黃松 Huang Song,張羽潔Zhang Yu Jie

參展藝術家:Aline Veillat(瑞士), Anna Boggon(英國), Bignia Wehril(瑞士), 高芙雁(中國),Tim Gruchy(紐西蘭), 金江波(中國),李消非(中國),羅明君(瑞士)

《Body Mapping》工作坊舞蹈治療師:楊崴婷,謝孟穎,策劃:汪單


Participating Artists: Aline Veillat(CH), Anna Boggon(UK), Bignia Wehril(CH),

Gao Fu Yan( CN), Tim Gruchy(NZ), Jin Jiang Bo(CN), Li Xiao Fe(CN), Luo Ming Jun(CH)

Workshop: Body Mapping/ Amspace Shanghai

Dance Movement Therapist: Yang -Wei Ting, Hsieh-Meng Yin



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