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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-05-07 09:35:06 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

兩位女性,兩個世界 - 女性對話




多年前已經是朋友,她們的交流方式就是繪畫,這使得她們的友誼如此特殊而且她們的繪畫不僅是藝術家的表達而且是她們心靈的體現。克非女士使用傳統的材料如油畫顏色和畫布。阿斯特瑞德·布朗斯基女士對中國傳統的玻璃畫進行了再探索。她們繪畫的方式看來非常不同,但是她們的思考卻非常相似, 這令這次展覽意義非凡。我們希望這兩位女性藝術家的團聚能促進兩國女性的團聚,並希望能對促進中國和德國互相的文化理解能起到作用。


Michael F. Kirmes-Seitz

2010-05-04 北京

TWO WOMEN, TWO WORLDS – female dialogue

It is a great honor for the CU Space to present this unusual exhibition with this topic and like to welcome the female artist Mrs. Ke Fei from Beijing/China and the female artist from Germany, Mrs. Astrid Bransky, who lives in the heart of the German classical poetry and art called Weimar, where the famous German writers, Johann Wolfgang Goethe and Friedrich Schiller and many other artists like for example the German painter Lucas Cranach, and musicians like Johann Sebastian Bach and last but not least the founders of the Bauhaus movement have been living for many years. The city where also an exhibition took place with paintings of Mrs. Ke Fei and last but not least also an exhibition with paintings from her husband Prof. Zhang Liguo under the umbrella-ship of the Lord Mayor a few years ago.

The world meanwhile has become closer and closer. People of all nations are getting together. On one hand there are a lot of differences in the cultural development of China and Germany but on the other hand there a lot of similar experiences in women’s life in China and Germany a well.Communication about experiences needs talking in one language. But if this is not possible for the moment to communicate in one language we need the visual expressions. That’ s the reason why artists play such an important role in our lives. In China and Germany as well. The topics from female artists are mostly from the topics of male artist. Therefore it has become the aim of this exhibition in the CU Space to put together two female artists from China and Germany. Mrs. Ke Fei and Mrs. Astrid Bransky have become friends a few years ago. And their way to communicate is the way of painting. This makes their friendship so unique and their paintings are not only an expression of an artist but also a look inside their hearts. Mrs. Ke Fei is working with the traditional materials like oil colors and canvas. Mrs Bransky has re-explored the old Chinese tradition of Behind-class-painting. There kind of painting seems to be very different but their way of thinking is very similar. That makes this exhibition so very interesting. We hope that the getting together of those two female artist push forward the getting together from women of both nations and will be helpful in working on a better understanding between the cultural roots of China and Germany.We wish this exhibition as much resonance as possible and thank you for your participation in the opening ceremony which makes this Sunday afternoon very special.

Michael F. Kirmes-Seitz

2010-05-04 Beijing




Chinese contemporary female artist. Born in 1945 in Shandong Province. She worked in Beijing Daily since 1960s and started with literary writing and screenplay writing. Her stream-of-consciousness novella “She Is Disappearing In The Mirror” (with pseudonym Ao Lin) was published in magazine “Fu Rong” in June, 1986. This avantgarde novella caused incisive discussions in both literary field and critical field. Hereafter she created several novels and screenplays, for instance, “The Singing From The Deep Earth”, “The Light Does Not Shine Anymore”, “The Suffering Of Beauty”. Ke Fei has started painting since 1980s. Her paintings are full of unique self-style and literary characteristic, expressing the mental experience of a women’s everyday life and thinking on life. The mysterious image and scenario is not a copy from the everyday life but a conscious or unconscious combination of the painter’s self experience and emotion, as her stream-of-consciousness literary works, attracting people stepping into her mysterious and full-of-love mental world. Her art works indicate that as a female artist, she is working on art creation in a completely female way and full of talent and achievement. Her first solo-exhibition was successfully held in the Sinnflut Gallery in Weimar, Germany successfully in 2008.


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