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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-03-05 12:36:14 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

1968 started to experiment with ice and organic materials like straw – hay – and withered leaves

1969 - 2002 professor at the Willem de Kooning Academy, Rotterdam, NL

1970 first exhibition with Iceboxes

1972 publication of the Manifest New Romanticism and opening of the institute for new Romanticism. Mount Matterhorn appeared in his work

1973 first exhibition in context of New Romanticism

1976 first trip to South East Asia. Visited Singapore, Indonesia and Bali

1977 Retrospective exhibition at Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam

1980 Introduced Chinese characters in his works. Exhibition at National Museum Singapore

1981 Guest professor at the Baltimore Art College. Maryland, USA

received the award ” Citizen of Honour “Baltimore. USA

1985 publication of the book 240 days dagen, jours, tage. diary sketches.

Exhibition Palais des Beaux Arts. Brussels .van Abbe Museum Eindhoven.

Deposit of the model and name “TAXAT” at the European Office for Trade and Brands

1990 second big travel to South America. target “ Tierra del Fuego. ( Argentina ) studies of native vegetations. {leaves of trees and vegetation.}

1993 retrospective exhibitions at museum in Oostende, Belgium and Schiedam, NL

received the Anjerfonds –Chabot Award for his entire oeuvre

1999 the Erasmus pin- award for culture - by the City of Rotterdam.

2002 Honoured with a knighthood in the order of the Dutch Lion

2003 publication of the book “Woody van Amen-Crossing Worlds “

2004 inauguration of the monument “TAXAT” in the forth dimension 9m high in Rotterdam

2007 exhibition Woody’s Wonder a film of the “Sources of inspiration” during nine years traveling in S.E Asia Museum Boijmans van Beuningen. Rotterdam, NL

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