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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-07-14 19:19:10 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


LeRoy Neiman 版畫中心


Contemporary Prints: 1999 – 2009

The LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies

Columbia University School of the Arts


地點:今日美術館 二號館二層

Duration:4th – 31st July

Venue: 2nd floor exhibition hall of building 2


《當代版畫:1999 ~ 2009》是哥倫比亞大學LeRoy Neiman版畫中心的國際巡迴大展,其中包括中心在過去十年創作、出版的作品,以及其他參與中心相關創作的藝術家的作品。LeRoy Neiman版畫中心創作、出版的作品中包括幾組國際大師的作品,展示了獨特的、具有挑戰性的藝術風格與形式。LeRoy Neiman版畫中心鼓勵藝術家們在創作過程中充分挖掘、探索,超越自我並延伸版畫傳統的藝術形式。這一成效表現在對於作品的連續串列畫幅形式及一組作品多種圖


Contemporary Prints: 1999 – 2009 is a traveling survey exhibition which includes prints published by The LeRoy Neiman Center for Print Studies of Columbia University in the last ten years and other related unique works by participating artists. The Neiman publications present several key portfolios and series by contemporary artists diverse in their individual imagery and challenging in scope. These artists were encouraged to fully explore the seed concept of a project at the Center, to push past and extend an idea beyond its original form. The potency of this work is found in the exploration of the serial form and multiplicity of image. This is consistent with the Center’s mission - to educate and challenge students and artists alike- through the context of printmaking, giving them freedom to explore and push beyond their first creative conviction.

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