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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-05-06 16:16:37 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

5月15日 11:00-12:30

【媒體項目】UCCA-《0086》雜誌“青年意見領袖”系列 11:張向東:展望手機的未來



May 15, 11:00-12:30

【Press Project 】UCCA-0086 Magazine Series “Young Opinion Leader” 11: Zhang Xiangdong: Outlook on the Mobile Media Market

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Zhang Xiangdong was born in 1977 and earned his degree in Information Management from Peking University in 1999, now he is the CEO of 3G.CN, the largest internet website in China serving mobile customers. By October 2009, the number of registered users on 3G.CN exceeded 100 million. Transcending the line of internet and journalism, Mr. Zhang believes that life is more meaningful than business success; his efforts give 3G.CN a unique characteristic that goes beyond what is usually considered commerce.


5月15日 12:00-13:30

【文化項目】UCCA攝影工作坊 1——黑白膠捲的沖洗擴大



May 15, 12:00-13:30

【Culture Program】UCCA Photography Workshop 1: Processing Black and White Film

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Black and white photography best reflects reality, and draws attention to photographers’ intentions; perhaps because of this black and white film processing and development are fascinating endeavors by themselves. It’s magical to see chemicals change light to reality. Jin Ding will bring the chemical and simple equipment to show you the thrilling process. You can bring your black and white film to try for yourself!


5月15日 14:00-16:30

【國際合作】UCCA-世博體驗館 2: 丹麥 & 荷蘭


在我們世博體驗館的第二期,來自丹麥文化中心的Eric Messerschmidt先生和荷蘭文化中心兼荷蘭世博館的藝術主管Martijn Sanders將和UCCA的觀眾們分享丹麥館“幸福生活,童話樂園”和荷蘭館“快樂街”的精彩故事,講述他們場館的設計和相關的文化項目,以及他們對未來城市的遠景期望。

May 15, 14:00-16:30

【International Cooperation】UCCA-Go Expo Series 2: Denmark & Netherlands

Auditorium / Entry Free / Chinese & English

In this session, Mr. Eric Messerschmidt from the Danish Cultural Institute and Mr. Martijn Sanders, the Artistic Director of the Dutch Cultural Center and the Dutch Pavilion, will share with UCCA’s audience their stories of “welfairytales” and the “happy street”, two unique pavilions at the Shanghai Expo. They will talk about the pavilion design and cultural programs within the pavilion, as well as their views on cities in the future .


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