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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-05-06 16:16:37 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

現場演出 Live Performance


5月8日 13:30-15:00

【現場演出】UCCA驟雨系列 2: Off Scene之李雲迪



May 8, 13:30-15:00

【Live Performance】UCCA Shower Series 2: Off Scene Yundi

La Suite / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

A self introduction by Yundi, who describes himself as poetic and passionate. Is he the same off stage? Touring globally for 10 years, his music has been enjoyed by numerous fans. Participating in Chopin 200 at the National Theatre, he will visit UCCA to speak with music lovers.


5月9日 12:30-14:00


UCCA 咖啡驛站/門票30元,學生20元/中文活動


May 9, 12:30-14:00

【Live Performance】UCCA-BDT Mother's Day Special-Harvest

Café & Bakery / Entry 30 RMB, Student 20RMB / In Chinese Only

The piece brings together the most representative short works of Wang Yuanyuan over the past decade. The performance describes an artistic curve with surprising consistency: disparate themes coalesce through the gravity of strong emotion; the works lead the audience to experience the hidden but unclouded essence of life, its ceaseless energy and emotional core.


5月15日 14:30-16:00

【現場演出】UCCA戲劇工作坊講座系列 2:獻給不怕黑暗的勇敢者



May 15, 14:30-16:00

【Live Performance】UCCA Drama Workshop Lecture Series 2:To All Brave Pioneers

Auditorium / Entry Free / In Chinese Only

Chen Shu directed the pioneering and experimental drama Darkness Does not Exist, composed by Zuoxiaozuzhou. The work was favorably reviewed by Ai Weiwei, Meng Jinghui and Lu Haibo. During this workshop she will share her courage and passion.


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