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10月27日 首屆海峽兩岸文博會新聞發佈會
中國網 china.com.cn  時間: 2008-10-22


採 訪 通 知



聯繫人:上官軍  13906053788

        陳相華  13799286086 








Press Conference Notice

                      23 October 2008

A press conference for the 1st  Cross-Strait Cultural Industries Fair will be hold at 2:00 pm, Monday, 27 Oct. 2008. Deputy Administrator TIAN JIN of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, Assistant Minister DING WEI of the Ministry of Culture, Director General DAI XIAOFENG of the Department of Exchange of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, Chairman YU YOUXIAN of China Publishers’ Association, Director General TANG GUOZHONG of the Publicity Department of CPC Fujian Provincial Committee (a standing member of that committee), Vice Governor CHEN HUA of Fujian Provincial People’s Government (a standing member of CPC Fujian Provincial Committee), Mayor Liu Cigui of Xiamen Municipal People’s Government and deputy secretary of CPC Xiamen Municipal Committee will host the conference, providing information on the fair and answering questions. We await your presence.


Contact: Mr. Shang’guan Jun  13906053788

       Mr. Chen Xianghua   13799286086

E-mail: chinatulip@sina.com

Venue: Press Conference Hall,

      The Information Office of the State Council

     225 Chaoyangmen Neidajie

Organizers: Fujian Provincial Peoples Government

         Xiamen Municipal People’s Government


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