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Two foreign scholars went to Anji in Zhejiang to investigate the ancient ruins of the site to develop
     發佈時間:2015-07-31 13:38:19    



  Lincoln and Madgin left the village with some photo materials.


  “Actually,our effective environmental protection should be contributed to President Jinping Xi when he was the Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang provincial committee ten years ago.During an inspection tour in Anji, he firstly raised a scientific inference that ‘blue mountains and green waters equal to golden hills and silver hills’ ”


  In the recent decade,all people in Anji consistently focus on protecting the blue mountains and green waters,while developing the golden hills and silver hills. People insist on proving the dialectical relationship between economic and ecological protection.Finally, they found out a scientific development path with Huzhou characteristics.


  The development model of exchanging the blue mountains and green waters for golden and silver hills had been existing in Zhejiang for a long time.However, since people started to require raising the living quality, such kind of development model can hardly survive. More and more people begin to cry for the blue mountains and green waters, as well as the golden and silver hills.


  Xuexing Zhu still remembers clearly, Jingpin Xi,the Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang provincial committee at that time, urged that it is unsustainable to promote economic development by sacrificing the environment.Although the ecological development model may strengthen

  the county in a slow way,but it is essential to give up some energy-intensive industries which cause severe environmental pollution.


  After analyzing the objective circumstances and resource features of the village itself,Shuangyi Village made a vital decision to make a transformation to the ecotourism economic model.


  And then, Shuangyi Village shut up all the energy-intensive industries.In 2010,the village became the first village in Anji to write the principle of preventing usingGlyphosate or other pesticides in mountain areas and forest into the rural rule, this principle has been spread all over Anji.


  Furthermore, people in Shuangyi Village pay very attention to their daily behavior.For example, Li natural village in Shuangyi has built up more than 150 sewage treatment pools, in order to deal with the domestic sewage.

  一個執念三年探索 欲開發“金山銀山”

  One willing with three years of exploring, wishes to develop the golden and silver hills.


  Beyond Xuexing Zhu and Weiliang Zhang’s expectations,Lincoln and Madgin came back to Shuangyi Village for another two times.


  In 2014, Lincoln and Madgin returned again even with an investment project.


  Xuexing Zhu said to the reporter:“They raise an advice to build Shuangyi Village into a leisure tourism destination at that time.According to their saying, we should utilize the Fenghuang Mountain Reservoir nearby,such as create an aquatic sports programme. Or we can build some qualified hotels for tourists without hurting the original folk residence, then they also suggested building a village museum. ”


  “But we did not reach an agreement because the Fenghuang Mountain Reservoir is the drinking water source of Anji while Shuangyi Village locates on the upper reach of the reservoir.As a result, we turned their suggestion down directly”


  Since, Lincoln and Madgin had to go back to their country empty-handed and disappointedly.


  Two days before, Lincoln and Madgin came again without any projects.This time, they pay a special visit to Shuangyi Village for an interview.


  They applied a fund in Great Britain and established a project called.The main purpose is to work out a feasibility study on the protection of Shuangyi Village,then they will publish their result in a historical and culture heritage conservation conference in Sweden from 5th to 7th in May this year, while Shuangyi Village is supposed to be a sample.

  他們主要還是想站在國際的視野上推動雙一村的古民居的保護,同時將英、法、意在鄉村保護上做成功的案例和經驗提供給雙一村,其實他們所做的這一切都是為了進一步開發雙一村,熟悉林肯和麥德琴兩位博士的張衛良這樣告訴作者。Weiliang Zhang knows Dr.Lincoln and Dr.Madgin well, he told the reporter that these two doctors mainly want to promote the folk residenceprotectionin Shuangyi Village from an international perspective.At the same time, they can provide some successful samples and experience of rural protection in Great Britain, France and Italy to Shuangyi Village.All things aim at further development of the village.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:李斌    | 責編:張苗     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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