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Two foreign scholars went to Anji in Zhejiang to investigate the ancient ruins of the site to develop
     發佈時間:2015-07-31 13:38:19    



  中國網新浙視線訊(作者 李斌) “昨天,來我們村參觀調查的兩位英國朋友才剛離開……”4月23日下午,見到“網路名人浙江行暨‘綠水青山就是金山銀山’網路主體採訪活動”的作者團後湖州市安吉縣遞鋪街道雙一村黨總支書記朱學星説道,聽聞消息後,與前來參觀調查的兩位英國朋友擦肩而過的作者露出了失望的表情。

  Chin Net Zhejiang Channel .On 23th April,when our Internet media press corps of“cewebrity in Zhejiang,and ‘Blue mountains with green waters equal to golden hills and silver hills’” met with Xuexing Zhu, the Secretary of Party General Branchof Shuangyi Village in Dipu community,which is located in Anji County,Huzhou,he told us two friends from Great Britain came to do some research,but they had just left yesterday. We all felt disappointed when we heard the news.


  The two Britons Xuexing Zhu mentioned are Dr.Toby Lincoln from University of Leicester and Dr.Rebecca Madgin from University of Glasgow.According to Weiling Zhang, the directer of Institute for urban studies of HNU, both of them are expert in historical heritage protection,as associated members of English Heritage.


  The story between these two British doctors and Shuangyi Village started one of the academic conferences Weiliang Zhang attended three years ago.As he told the reporter of China Net,“I just mentioned Shuangyi Village simply in that meeting, I had not realized Lincoln and Madgin could be so interested in that.”

  一句話十年恪守 換來“綠水青山”

  Ten years of honoring promise for only one sentence, and it brings blue mountains and green waters.


  Based on Weiliang Zhang’s memory,when Dr. Lincoln and Dr.Madgin arrived in Shuangyi Village for the first time three years ago, they were soon attracted by the natural ecologic environment.


  After the research, they discovered that Shuangyi Village was not only surrounded by charming natural ecologic environment, but also got diverse architectural styles of folk residences. Besides normal residential buildings and modern western-style houses, some houses reformed by the farmers themselves in the 1970s or 1980s and the houses with yellow mud wall still existed.Otherwise, they even saw the Dazhai style houses(During the period of Learning agriculture from Dazhai,this architectural style was extremely popular in Shanxi area)and Hui style architectures built in Ming or Qing Dynasty .


  The thing actually surprised two doctors was that there were over 20 houses which were built in Ming or Qing Dynasty more than 200 years ago. It is almost impossible in western countries to see such amount of different types of architectures in a village of only 18.2 k㎡.

來源: 中國網    | 作者:李斌    | 責編:張苗     電子信箱:184042016@qq.com    

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