JOLLYONE微雕系列高科技護膚保養品,在中國一經推出便受到專業人士的推薦與讚譽,稱之為“更改肌膚命運的劃時代保養品”,進而在全球愛美女士中掀起JOLLYONE狂潮。趙雅芝、蕭薔等美女明星成為JOLLYONE的忠實用戶,名媛帕麗斯·希爾頓也不遠萬里為JOLLYONE站臺。 JOLLYONE series high-tech creams were praised by all kinds of professional experts once released in China and was called the trans-time make-ups of destiny. 在優購物、風尚購物等平臺上的銷售更是屢創記錄,一期銷售額1600余萬、1000支噴霧秒殺一空等傳奇無不讓同行咋舌。 And it also created sales miracle in Yougouwu and Fengshang shopping TV programs. The first sale ais over 16 million RMB, and 1 thousand sprayers were sell out within a day, which were so amazing! 而在2016年的開端,JOLLYONE再次迎來殊榮,登上高端女性時尚雜誌《L’OFFICIEL時裝》,在最具影響力與公信力的“2016美容大賞”中榮獲尖端科技獎,繼續創造屬於JOLLYONE的傳奇。 In the beginning of 2016, JOLLYONE won an honor on L’OFFICIEL and won high-tech award in the most impressive and authorized 2016 cosmetic award. 在中國,由於多年來的廣告轟炸,大牌化粧品佔據了絕大多數希望擁有完美肌膚的熟女的梳妝檯。但是大牌化粧品出於成本等方面的考量,往往將大部分資金都用於行銷推廣,而一瓶高價護膚品中真正屬於研發和成本的錢少得可憐,也讓很多女性認為高價保養品無效的想法。 In China, those big brands had taken over lady’s cosmetic cases under the brainwashing of Ads. Account for the costs, those brands put too much money on the TV and thus paid less on the research. Hence the effect of those bottoms are not that good than AD says. 而JOLLYONE創始人于文紅女士,帶著“讓更多女性擁有美麗”的使命感,便是要打破這種“行銷至上”的理念,真正不計成本用於研發和生産。JOLLYONE深信,“好的産品自己會説話”。而事實也證明,強大的功效和100%的好評口碑構築起JOLLYONE品牌強大的後盾。 The creator Yu wenhong however taking the emission of making women more beautiful broke such marketing rules and paid the money on the important research and high-tech. JOLLYONE believes that the good products can prove it, so as the good effect and 100 percent good judgments of JOLLYONE. 于文紅女士與四十多位國際專家在德國JOLLY抗衰老中心,成功以全球最先進的高壓冷萃、先進傳導等技術,萃取出高純活性維生素與植物精華,將“順勢療法”與醫美高科技融入護膚品,研發出媲美微整形的JOLLYONE系列高端醫療美容産品,令你涂塗抹抹即能享受到如巨星“夜整形”般的驚喜體驗。 Yu wenhong and 40 more world ranged experts in YMR black forest hospital used world advanced high pressure cold extraction tech and advanced transmit tech to leach out high purity live vitamin and plant essence and combined homoeopathy and cosmetic high-tech into JOLLYONE to make you surprise for the changing of your face within short times. JOLLYONE微雕霜不是普通的個人護膚品,而是功能性的化粧品。JOLLYONE非常注重化粧品的“透皮研究”,它獲得德國專利的 SLN 技術(固體脂質奈米粒包裹技術),可以使高濃度活性勝肽分子滲入皮膚真皮層的成纖維細胞,針對面部細紋、毛孔粗糙、皮膚鬆弛等問題一一修正,它可以撫平皺紋、收縮咬肌、豐潤額頭、提拉輪廓、光滑脖頸,精準狙擊面部衰老跡象,頃刻為你帶來完美肌膚。 JOLLYONE cream is not usual personal skin protections but fundemantal make-ups.It can also promote organism itself to grow more proteins to lifting face obviously. It also used German SLN transdermal technology that can penetrated in deep skin straightly to amend edema and wrinkles and bring you shining youth. It also promote organism itself to grow more proteins to lifting face obviously. 正因為JOLLYONE在科研上的不斷創新與突破,才讓主流媒體與專業人士紛紛讚譽不絕,更讓無數消費者感受到溫和卻有效的肌膚新生效果。2015年是JOLLYONE的面世之年,也是為中國消費者開啟肌膚新生的元年,2016,我們一起將美麗進行下去! As for the creation and breakthrough of JOLLYONE in technology research, main Medias and professional experts praised it highly and make more customers feel the rebirth of their skins. 2015 is the birth year of JOLLYONE and the first year of rebirth of skin.2016 we will keep being beauties.
來源: | 撰稿: | 責編:張苗 審核:張淵
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