在女兒貼出的照片中,已經50歲的秦女士看起來只有30歲左右,粧容精緻、身材姣好,皮膚細膩白皙,讓網友紛紛驚嘆。 In the picture, this 50 years old women looks only 30 years old by her delicacy make-up, slim shape and fair skin, which shocked us so much. 在這個看“臉”的時代,顏值不可將就,也許我們無法抵禦歲月和老去,但時光的魔法奇跡可以讓你溫柔地抵禦歲月,可以讓你老去地慢一些、優雅一些。不信?你看—— In this face-depending time, face is the most important. We can’t defeat time and aging, but the it has some magic that help you anti-age gradually and make you grow slower and slower. If you don’t trust it, read more. “她”是永遠18歲的逆齡女神 來猜猜這個姑娘多少歲? Guess how old is this girl?
看起來永遠是一張無瑕的娃娃臉,宛若墜入人間的天使。有誰能看得出來,她已經45歲? She has a baby-like face like an angel, who can guess that she is already 45 years old? 與小她20歲的男友在一起,也絲毫沒有違和感。 She is so much suitable with her 20 years younger boyfriend. 王冠加冕,她就是這世間絕美的“女王”。 With crown on head, she is the beauty king in the world. 她,就是虞美人國際集團的創始人——于文紅會長。她是被上帝眷顧著的逆齡女神,有著“逆生長”的完美年輕容顏。 She is the president of YMR international group-Yu Wenhong. She is god prayed inverse time goddess and has wonderful young face.
Your skin is your best clothes. Young refined tighten skin better than many expensive clothes.
Many women are chasing for beauty and youth. President Yu has an ambition to help all these women fulfill their dream.
Her artistic facial sculpture combined medicine, aesthetics and physiognomy can give young and natural face to people within the time of a cup of coffee.
而現在,於氏美學與德國尖端科技的結晶——JOLLYONE微雕霜全新上市,也許就是你向“逆齡”美女邁進的第一步。撫平滄桑的皺紋,提拉麵部下垂的線條,拾起被歲月掩蓋的年輕和驕傲,成為自己世界的女王。 Now, the achievement of Yu’s beauty and German high-tech-JOLLYONE come into the market successfully, which is the first step to make you a beauty queen. It can erase the wrinkles, lifting your face and bring back the young queen.
虞美人聯合德國海德堡大學及德國黑森林療養院,共同創造了具有劃時代意義的“JOLLYONE”系列高科技美容保養品,讓您顛覆自己,傾倒眾生,讓每個女人成為藝術品! The cooperation of YMR and germna Heidelberg University leads to the creation of JOLLYONE products series to make you an art.
JOLLYONE微雕霜一夜之間風靡大半個中國,短短幾小時之內創造1650萬銷售傳奇! JOLLYONE micro cream spread whole china within a day and created 16.5 million Yuan grade within a couple hours. JOLLYONE微雕霜的魔法,來自勝肽——“護膚品中的鑽石成分”。它獨含十六種勝肽成分,三大主打勝肽含量超越市售産品5-8倍。高濃度勝肽中的活性成分直接作用於皮下組織,通過局部阻斷神經傳遞肌肉收縮訊息,使肌肉放鬆,以撫平皺紋,減少並預防表情紋的産生;更能促進肌膚自身膠原蛋白的提升,顯著提升面部輪廓。 The polypeptide in JOLLYONE can fancied by many great beauty brands, because it is micro molecule protein, which can resist the combination of SNARE and can act on subcutaneous tissue directly and through partly stopping the nerves transfer the messages of muscle shrink to relax muscle and erase and prevent wrinkles. It can also promote organism itself to grow more proteins to lifting face obviously. 它採用德國SLN透皮技術(固體脂質奈米粒包裹技術),使高濃度活性勝肽分子滲入皮膚真皮層的成纖維細胞,針對面部細紋、毛孔粗糙、皮膚鬆弛等問題一一修正,撫平皺紋、收縮咬肌、豐潤額頭、提拉輪廓、光滑脖頸,精準狙擊面部衰老跡象,頃刻帶來完美美肌。 Eyes skin under 6 kinds of polypeptides and German special SLN transdermal technology can be penetrated by water and nutrition into deep. From feature message to deep watering, JOLLYONE gives you all kinds of protection to make you a pair of shining eyes. 對JOLLYONE微雕霜來説,不僅僅是傳遞了抗衰老的效果,更是蘊含了于文紅二十多年的藝術面雕經驗。提升面部線條,消除浮腫,去咬肌、美化面部輪廓,細膩肌膚、補水更鎖水,開啟面部重生! What JOLLYONE delivered is not only anti-aging, but also Yu Wenhong 20 year artistic facial sculpture experience. All kinds of effects give you a new and young face.
The feature of JOLLYONE comes from platinum colloid discovered in 1998s. Scientifically call it noble metal platinum. German scientists processed it into 2 nm and then, it turns into golden and with minus 40 MU electric charge. At this circumstance, the platinum is packaged by water and will never oxidized for its element stability. So it can provide endless electricity and water.
Where contacting with the feature will covered by electricity and contained by water molecule. With petty kernel and big water relatively, it won’t penetrated in horny layer but focused on the eye circle to keep it moisture and decease free radical to cease wrinkles.
After decade researching, experts find German black forest mineral containing fountain water with natural energetic substance and 19 live spring micro feature concentration, the spring can resist outer harm and repower cells and create new fresh skin.
What if women stay young forever, how wonderful!
Beautiful women do not afraid aging, because beauty is enough for them. Inverse time and change yourself, YMR will let every women live to the age of 100 in good quality.
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