I myself in charge of my beauty!
27th-28th Dec.
The fourth semester of
YMR International Group
Art Design College is opening
會場盛況 虞美人藝術設計學院的成立,是于文紅會長以前瞻性的眼光,為中國醫美行業培養大量的專業人才,實現産業報國的初心而成立的。 The setting of this college was built on the for-sight of president Yu. She wants to groom abundant professional talents for the industry and make our country in flourishing.
虞美人藝術設計學院自成立以來,場場活動人氣爆滿!虞美人帶動的千億醫美市場,給追求夢想的你一個正確的方向,等你共用成功未來! Since the start of the college, every class is so successful! The great market bringing by YMR will point you a correct direction to success and share wealth with you sincerely! 于會長用她的一生帶領我們發現、創造美,讓每個女人成就外表和內心的美麗夢想,成為自我命運的主宰。 President Yu spends her whole life to lead us to beauty and fulfills our beauty dreams and makes us control our own lives!
二十多年來,于會長潛心鑽研“于式美學”,通過幾千例親手塑造的案例,她越來越深刻的懂得美是什麼—那是面部五官失之毫釐便會差之千里的黃金比例;是不受時光摧殘始終緊致細膩的輪廓,是每一寸肌膚綻放的青春之光…… After 20 years’ research for Yu’s beauty style and thousands of examples created by her own, she found the meaning of beauty—face golden proportion, always tight shape and young shining skin. 高科技與”於氏美學“的融合——JOLLYONE高科技美容系列,便是凝聚于式美學精粹、于文紅獻給所有姐妹的禮物。 The combining of Yu’s beauty elites and advanced technology—JOLLYONE series products are gifts to all sisters! JOLLYONE JOLLYONE新品閃耀上市 創下銷售奇跡! 不再自怨自艾, 抱怨命運的不公; 不再被歲月牽絆, 過早放棄年輕美麗的權利! Never complain about yourself and your destiny Never impede by aging and give up your beauty! 11月27日-11月28日 中國杭州 虞美人國際商學院藝術設計培訓大會 正式開講! 于校長説 虞美人藝術設計學院,讓沒資源,沒背景,肯努力,勤奮付出的年青人,也有白手起家的機會! Headmaster Yu said that YMR artist Design College let the young people who have no strong background, no abundant resource but are hardworking, have the chance to start from scratch! 也許,因為你特別優秀,有緣份,有機會,也會幫助你設計出一張美麗動人的臉! Maybe, since you are very intelligent and in suitable circumstance, we will design you a fairy face! 心懷夢想,敢於付出,願意合作共贏的美業人,歡迎加入虞美人大家庭!虞美人,實現夢想的藝術! Welcome to join us, if you have beauty dream, dare to struggle and love to cooperation. YMR realize your dream of art!
女神于文紅親自授課幫助更多的人實現追求美麗的願望! Goddess Yu takes the class on her own to help more people fulfill the beauty dream!
虞美人國際教育集團總監黃芳老師 傾情開講
這,或許是唯一一次能讓你改變命運的機會!大醫美時代,搭上虞美人千億市場順風車,改變自己,為自己創造美麗財富! Maybe this is the only chance to change your fate! At this great time, please hold the opportunity of YMR billion market to change your life and create your own beauty! 機不可失,你,還不趕緊? Opportunity knocks but once. So, hurry up!
來源: | 撰稿: | 責編:張苗 審核:張淵
新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com 新聞熱線:13157110107