► The real legend will shine forever.
The first shot of JOOLYONE cream on market got a great grade of 16.5 million yuan and emptiness of 6 warehouses in few days. And another super product JOLLYONE golden eyes lotion is also a revolutionary makeup chasing by many women.
For women, eye is the first barrier of aging. At the battle to aging, if you hold your eyes, you already win a half. So it goes, JOLLYONE golden eye lotion is the meaningful sharp sword to success.
非滲透鉑金 注入源源不斷水分能量 Impenetrable platinum Inject fountain into skin ►JOLLYONE金煥水嫩凝露的成分來至於1998年研發出來的白金膠體,科學上稱為貴金屬鉑金。德國的科學家把鉑金,通過加工,細微到了2奈米,形成了金黃色,並帶有-40MU的電荷,同時每一顆2奈米超微細貴金屬鉑金周邊與水分子相結合併包裹,而鉑金是自然界最穩定的元素,永遠不會被氧化。所以它會源源不斷提供電子,並産生水分。 ►The feature of JOLLYONE comes from platinum colloid discovered in 1998s. Scientifically call it noble metal platinum. German scientists processed it into 2 nm and then, it turns into golden and with minus 40 MU electric charge. At this circumstance, the platinum is packaged by water and will never oxidized for its element stability. So it can provide endless electricity and water. 因為鉑金奈米成分自帶-40電荷,所以塗抹到的地方,立刻形成電子覆蓋的區域,與水分子相結合併包裹。而鉑金奈米的顆粒雖然非常細微,但是水分子的量很大,所以不會滲透角質層。一直作用於眼部周圍,一直産生水份保濕,長效保濕,清除自由基,消除皮膚抗老的源頭。 Where contacting with the feature will covered by electricity and contained by water molecule. With petty kernel and big water relatively, it won’t penetrated in horny layer but focused on the eye circle to keep it moisture and decease free radical to cease wrinkles. 多種勝肽能量聚合 狙擊眼部年齡痕跡 Accumulate polypeptide power Cease the aging of eyes. ►與JOLLYONE微雕霜一樣,JOLLYONE金煥水嫩凝露的另一大“殺手锏”便是肽。肽是按照PPM萬分比的來計算的,是抗衰老中的黃金鑽石成分,目前化粧品和醫學行業,一克肽裸成本就高達32萬元。 ►The same as JOLLYONE micro cream, JOLLYONE golden eye lotion also contains polypeptide. The value of peptide is counted by PPM and can compare with gold and diamond. Even 1g counts 320 thousand yuan. 眼部肌膚通過JOLLYONE獨特的德國SLN透皮技術,打開皮膚分子Q細胞以後,JOLLYONE所含的各種肽,就透進去了。三勝鈦輔助鉑金電子防止氧化,平衡保護水分;四勝肽作用於眼袋,抗水腫、改善微迴圈、加強血液迴圈,可令眼袋明顯的減弱,還能淡化眼週遭的細紋以及魚尾紋;五勝肽消除靜態紋,可增加細胞的復原力,促進膠原蛋白,彈力纖維和透明質酸增生,提升肌膚的含水量和光亮,增加皮膚濃度以及減少靜態細紋;六勝鈦則是俗稱類肉毒桿菌,以胺基酸複合成類似肉毒桿菌的架構,可阻斷神經傳遞肌肉收縮資訊,影響皮壤神經傳導,使臉部肌肉放鬆,達到平撫動態紋,減緩臉部皺紋與細胞老化。 Eyes skin under 6 kinds of polypeptides and German special SLN transdermal technology can be penetrated by water and nutrition into deep. From feature message to deep watering, JOLLYONE gives you all kinds of protection to make you a pair of shining eyes. 女神摯愛 構築年輕光彩第一步 Loved by goddess The first step to youth ►在JOLLYONE中國區新品發佈會上,于文紅會長閨蜜摯友——享譽世界的名媛千金帕麗斯·希爾頓、特邀嘉賓趙雅芝都傾情出席,與愛美的女性分享保養秘笈。而JOLLYONE則是她們的私人愛物。 ►In JOLLYONE Chinese news release, president Yu wenhong with her friend world famous Paris Hilton and special guest Angie Chiu came to the conference to share the female mainterance esoterica--JOLLYONE. 對於這三位女神來説,她們用自己的努力獲得了名聲、地位,而你與她們之間,也許只差一瓶JOLLYONE。 For the three goddess, they tried hard to win their good reputation and high position. For you, to compare with them, you may only less a bottle of JOLLYONE.
►而“台灣第一美女”蕭薔,則更是身體力行的表達了自己對JOLLYONE的喜愛,對她來説,JOLLYONE已經是不可缺少的一部分。比你美的女人還比你更愛美,難道不應該奮起直追? ►Taiwan first beautiful lady Stephanie show her favor to JOLLYONE trying by herself. for her, JOLLYONE had become the indiscerptible part. These women more beautiful than you are more hardworking than you, don’t you need to try hard now.
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