What you have no time to spoil,
she will do it for you;
what you afraid to lose,
she will help you to find it;
what you desire,
she will give it to you...
If there are real magic in the world,
it must called JOLLYONE.
After been in this area for over 20 years,
she had seen countless women
and had created countless beauties.
For those women,
Yu wenhong is the leader to new world
and can get rid of their
anxiety, self-obedience and depression
but give them freedom in a great world.
This time,
she would like to put on wings for women
and tell them to control their own life.
JOllYONE leads organic cosmetic skin-care and sculpture art of inverse time. this is the world first time that apply micro-cosmetic technology into advanced skin-care products to lifting face and change age, face-smearing face-thin injection.
一重緊致,二重提拉,三重塑顏讓每個女人都成為藝術品,含有多達16種勝肽,濃度超越市售産品5-8倍抑制 SNARE 接受體的合成,通過局部阻斷神經傳遞肌肉收縮訊息,使肌肉放鬆,以撫平皺紋,減少並預防表情紋的産生,還能促進膠原蛋白;它採用德國SLN透皮技術(固體脂質奈米粒包裹技術)可使高濃度活性勝肽分子滲入真皮層的成纖維細胞,針對面部細紋、毛孔粗糙、皮膚鬆弛等問題一一修正傳承藝術面雕女王于文紅20年醫美面部改善經驗,秉承將人的臉龐視為藝術品的理念,智慧化以美學設計的角度改善面部輪廓,賦予面部靈魂,從護膚開啟面部重生。
First tighten, second lifting, third rebuilding, after those three steps, you will be as pretty as an artwork. It is micro molecule protein that can resist the combination of SNARE and act on subcutaneous tissue directly and through partly stopping the nerves transfer the messages of muscle shrink to relax muscle and erase and prevent wrinkles. It can also promote organism itself to grow more proteins to lifting face obviously. It also used German SLN transdermal technology that can penetrated in deep skin straightly to amend edema and wrinkles and bring you shining youth.
JOLLYONE magical product--golden water replenishing lotion is European royal top eye lotion. The patent plant double peptides in it can cease freeradical and help DNA re-product proteins to stop edema and wrinkles. Just one bottle can resist the trace of age and bring you back a pair of electronic eyes. Now, use JOOYONE to save you eyes!
Here come our goddesses,
they love JOLLYONE too.
At Oct. 27th,
YMR special guest Angie Chiu will attend JOLLYONE new product release and share the secret of staying youth
At Oct. 28th,
JOLLYONE Beijing Yougou news release will have Taiwan first goddess Stephanie giving you a like.
來源: | 撰稿: | 責編:張苗 審核:張淵
新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com 新聞熱線:13157110107