浙産片《營救飛虎隊》將開機 戰爭史詩電影再現二戰真實故事

Zhejiang film Saving the SDU will be switched onHistorical epic war movie reappears true story of World War II



  浙江線上10月19日訊(浙江日報記者 吳孟婕)一連幾天,浙江天鵬傳媒有限公司董事長孫鵬被疲憊、忙碌和巨大的幸福感包圍著——公司籌備5年,入選中宣部、財政部全國影視重點精品項目及浙江省、杭州市文化精品扶持工程的3D戰爭史詩大片《營救飛虎隊》,終於進入了開機倒計時。由本片導演、多次摘得戛納金棕櫚和奧斯卡金像獎的好萊塢電影大師比利·奧古斯特帶領,一支國際級攝製團隊日前已在浙江西部的一個原生態村莊“安營紮寨”,全部演員將於26日進組,開始封閉式體驗和拍攝。影片根據二戰期間美國飛行員在江浙贛一帶迫降的真實故事為原型,再現烽火歲月中的人性之美。

  Zhejiang Online Oct 19th Recently, the CEO of Zhejiang Roc Pictures company, Sun Peng was surrounded with tired, busy and happiness. The 3D historical epic war movie Saving the SDU, which is selected as focus national film and television project by Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC and ministry of finance and Hangzhou cultural superfines supporting project, enters the countdown of being switched on. Bill August, who is the director of this film and a film master won several the Golden Palm Awards and the Oscarses, has leaded an international production team to a original village in the western Zhejiang. Actresses will enter film crew on 26th to film and begin the closed experience. This movie is based on a true story happened in World War II that an American pilot crash landed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangxi area. It reappears the beauty of human nature in times of war.


  Sun Peng says the first meeting with Bill August 5 years ago is a “fate” and being Roc Picture’s art director and contracted director later is because of “tacit understanding”. “We have differences in language and culture, but Bill was attracted as soon as he saw the outline of Saving the SDU. He said, the precious place of this theme was except for the beauty of human nature, it also had global view.” Following the “respect history, praise justice” claim, this ”Chinese Saving Private Ryan” Zhejiang film have unusual organization way: writing original screenplay and holding completely by Zhejiang private pictures company, inviting production team from China, Korea, America and French, trying to built the local pictures dream with professional production.


  During the preparation of Saving the SDU, Bill put off several films and went to Zhejiang for discussing the script and choosing scene many times. “Compared to film in the studio and post process effect, real sight can inspire my talents” Bill told to us. And the staffs around him say, every time Bill find the scene he likes, this old man over 70 years old always at the head of the team will be happy like a child.


  After feeling the culture and history in Zhejiang , perfect Bill has “selective syndrome”. Zhang Peng says, Tang Wei, Zhou Xun, Ye Xuan, Won Bin, Sam Worthington and George Clooney were in the touching list before. But Bill’s perfect level makes us surprised: “Every character has more than 5 candidates, the actor only having one word also needs to be spot screen tested by him.” And this actor list with superstars from all over the world, senior actors and new generation hot actors will announce on the end of October.


  該片預計於今年年底前結束拍攝,2016年國慶檔上映。(顧遠 譯)

  On the morning of 18th , Bill leaded his team to filming location for checking scenery situation. Film production, shooting, light, painting and other departments all dispatched. Round trip spend more than 5 hours. “At 4 o’clock PM, the light in this place is perfect.” Bill standing inn the field, yelled to camera director happily. The team worked until night, but director still didn’t want to stop. This film plans to finish at the end of this year and show on October 2016.

轉載請註明來源:中國網浙江新聞 » 浙産片《營救飛虎隊》將開機 戰爭史詩電影再現二戰真實故事

