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發表于:2023-09-25 11:26  作者:   來源:中國網韻動安徽  責任編輯:陳紫芊


Today, the sixth International Intelligent Voice and Artificial Intelligence Product Innovation Competition will be held at 2023 World Manufacturing Convention held site - Hefei Binhu Convention and Exhibition Center.


The world’s AI looks at China, and the Chinese AI looks at the Sound Valley. The competition has added an AI large model track and an international sub-division, which will start project collection from September to November 2023 and be divided into"Intelligent Voice Group" and"AI Large Model Group" for evaluation, and the special policy of China Sound Valley will give financial support in terms of landing and R&D investment of winning projects. In the future, China Sound Valley will continue to support the innovation and development of basic technologies such as large models, strengthen the introduction of talents and wisdom, gather innovative projects, and accelerate the construction of world-class industrial landmarks.


After the release of the competition, eight Chinese Sound Valley enterprises such as iFlytek, Kedaguochuang, and Zhongke Class Brain conducted a special release of large models, such as industrial large models, visual large models, deep learning development platforms, etc, and various innovative application large model products released on site have received wide attention.


Wisdom makes the world and creates beauty. The 2023 World Manufacturing Convention gathers cutting-edge technologies, highlighting the trend of intelligent manufacturing. New energy vehicles, advanced photovoltaic and new energy storage and other advantages of the industrial chain exhibition in a comprehensive and multi-dimensional display of Anhui's latest achievements; The latest representative achievements in the global manufacturing field, such as quantum computers, powered rockets, maglev trains with a speed of 600 kilometers per hour, and 80,000 tons die forging press, were unveiled.


Since 2018, the World Manufacturing Convention has been successfully held for five sessions, as a landmark opening platform in Anhui, the World Manufacturing Convention has been committed to promoting the innovation and development of the global manufacturing field, and has become the clearest and most direct window to grasp the world manufacturing trend.










