
時間:2023-01-30 16:36:52 來源 : 中國網溫州 作者 : 中欣


Wenzhou Drum Lyrics is a non-material cultural heritage with Wenzhou characteristics. It is a folk rap art sung in Wenzhou dialect and one of the main tunes in Zhejiang and East China. It is not only a kind of opera performing art, but also has gradually become a cultural symbol and a part of Wenzhou people's life. However, with the change of people's material consumption mode and survival concept, Wenzhou drum lyrics also encountered some survival and development problems. For example, the effect of communication channels is not good, teenagers lack interest and so on. In this regard, we have in-depth understanding of the current situation of drum lyrics through the interview and research of Ryan's drum lyrics artists, and hope to help Wenzhou's drum lyrics revive their style through their works, and also call on more young people to innovate and inherit the drum lyrics.




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