
時間:2023-01-17 16:14:59 來源 : 中國網溫州 作者 : 中欣

作品簡介:Ihor Druchok,來自烏克蘭,是一名芭蕾舞老師,現在在中國任教。2018年,Ihor Druchok與妻子Anna來到中國,現在有100多名學生,他們認為中國的孩子對芭蕾很有天賦,領悟力強且能吃苦,也從不抱怨,這讓他們更喜歡這些孩子,也很樂意要將自己所學的全部教授給她們。在中國瑞安安定的生活,讓Ihor Druchok也很是愜意,也很是幸運,他也將芭蕾舞蹈藝術與中國文化相結合,繼續努力實現自己一直跳舞的夢想。 

Ihor Druchok, from Ukraine, is a ballet teacher who now teaches in China. In 2018, IHOR Druchok and his wife Anna came to China, and now there are more than 100 students. They think that Chinese children are very talented in ballet, have a strong understanding and can bear hardships, and they never complain. This makes them like these children more, and they are willing to teach them all they have learned. IHOR Druchok is also very happy and lucky to have a stable life in Ruian, China. He also combines ballet dance art with Chinese culture and continues to strive to realize his dream of dancing all the time. 




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