
時間:2023-01-17 11:17:30 來源 : 中國網溫州 作者 : 中欣


"When you grow blue and get indigo, your clothes are dyed, and the carved flowers are dipped in cloth, blue and white with each other."The art of culture is the best way to bring people together; the art of communication is the best way to communicate with the world. A team of students from Wenzhou University of Technology visited Rui'an Mayu to produce the documentary"JiaXie History". The documentary uses light and shadow to portray the heritage culture in the eyes of young people, and uses a delicate lens to record the thousand-year old art of the JiaXie. Each JiaXie  inheritor adheres to the commitment to his predecessors, the mission of the craftsman, the sentiment, but also the condensation of Chinese culture and the telling of the Chinese story. The fragrance of the grass and wood, the heart of the craftsman.



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