檸檬的世界 世界的檸檬

來源:中國網 時間:2023-03-05 17:46:11 編輯:趙雲海 點擊:
In 1929,a lemon tree drifted across the sea and came to Anyue.
The small branch in early years have now developed into 480000 mu of green forest,with the planting scale and output accounting for 70%of the country's total,and the market share accounting for 80%of the country's total.The brand value of"Anyue Lemon"has exceeded 19.064 billion yuan.
當年的小小枝丫,如今已發展成48萬畝綠林,其種植規模、産量佔全國70%,市場份額佔全國80%,“安岳檸檬”的品牌價值超過190.64億元。(肖正君 安岳宣傳部供稿)