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A healing home for young-aged tumor patients with animated scenes reproduced in Chongqing hospital
作者:Jiang Yiwei 來源:Hualong Net 時間:2021-03-03 13:09:40責編:Su xin


On February 26,“H28 Healing Planet” of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital was officially put into use.

 Painting, crafting, reading…This is like a small classroom where learning and interest are of vital importance. The“shy” cute little monsters, the“free door” to the outside world, the“starry sky” that shines at night…It is also like an amusement park all about the happiness and hope.

“Little Orange” from Sichuan moved into the new ward of“H28 Healing Planet”.

The children living here come from all over the country, they have different identities but the same task - to fight against the tumor.

This is the“H28 Children’s Healing Planet”, which is also the area of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital to create an exclusive area for children with cancer.

Before the“H28 Healing Planet” was put into use, the children could only stay in such ordinary wards.

H--HEAL, 28--28 days for a cycle.“It’s a well-intended lie. We want to create a“planet” for the children so they are no longer alone.” The hospital’s director said the transformation began last year on the National Day and took eight months to finish.

Xiao Yu (pseudonym), who lives in“H28 Healing Planet”, interacts with the little monsters in the bionic zone.

It is all about healing from body to soul from the design of the fairy tale planet-like hardware environment, to the formation of a volunteer accompanying team consisting of college students and teachers, and the seeking of help from the Chongqing Children’s Aid Foundation…

On February 26,“H28 Children’s Healing Planet” was officially put into use and the first four children found their own“planet area”. They will work together with the medical staff to defeat the tumor, and strive to return to normal life and to their little friends as soon as possible.

Currently, there are nine beds in the“H28 Children’s Healing Planet”. Patients with tumors treated at the Cancer Center of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, who are younger than 18 years old, can be admitted in order of priority. (Translated by Wang Junli, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei





