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Put on your thickest down jacket to keep out the cold
作者:Jiang Yiwei 來源:Hualong Net 時間:2021-01-08 15:56:39責編:Su xin


Visitors were having fun in Snow Park at Nantian Lake in Fengdu County on January 2. (Photographed by Chen Yong/Vision Chongqing)


People rushed against the biting wind in Jiefangbei. Recently, the temperature dropped steeply in Chongqing, and people had to put on down jackets to keep out of cold. (Photographed by Zhong Zhibing/Vision Chongqing)

At 11:23 a. m. on January 5, Slight Cold (23rd solar term) arrived with strong cooling temperatures. According to the city’s Meteorological Service, the next three days are expected to continue to be cloudy and rainy, with the coldest on the 7th and the lowest temperature in the city at only -4°C. Put on your thick down jacket as soon as possible.

Over the past few days, the temperature in Chongqing has remained low due to the influence of cold air from the north. Chongqing saw cooler and rainy weather on December 28, 2020.

The data shows that since December 28, 2020, the city has been 1.5°C lower than the same period in recent years and 3°C lower than the same period last year; the central city has been 0.6°C lower than the same period in recent years and 3.1°C lower than the same period last year. The lowest temperature in Chengkou was only -3.2°C, which occurred on December 30, and 5.2°C in the central city, which occurred on December 31.

According to the city’s Meteorological Service, intermittent light rain is expected in the central city over the next few days, with a minimum temperature of 4°C.

Is the weather so cold that it is going to snow in the central city on January 7? Hu Chunmei, chief forecaster at the city’s Meteorological Service, said snowfall conditions need to meet the following three conditions: first, the atmosphere needs to contain colder ice crystal nuclei; second, sufficient water vapor; and third, the temperature is below 4°C. Snow will not fall in central Chongqing this Thursday, but sleet may visit Jinyun Mountain. (Translated by Wang Huixin, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei





