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[專稿] 今日美術館1月展訊

藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-01-10 11:22:35 | 文章來源: 藝術中國





  Ask the Loess: Art Exhibition by Zhang Guo-long

  Duration: 28th Dec,2008-4th Jan, 2009

  Venue: The 2nd,3rd,4th floor exhibition hall of Building No.1

  Zhang Guo-long’s art works may be said to break through the limits of painting. His choice and use of materials fully reveal his profound command of his media. Zhang’s artworks are not specious visual representations of the art form, or only limited to innovations and breakthroughs in the use of materials and techniques. He focuses on rebuilding people's spiritual world by using new materials and a new arts language, while searching for long-lost cultural values in this materialistic world. An ultimate concern for the world is the constant spiritual pursuit in Zhang Guo-long’s art. In this exhibition, Zhang’s works are integrated into the space of the museum, and thus fully promote the visual effects of painting through their grand narrative.


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