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[專稿] 今日美術館1月展訊

藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-01-10 11:22:35 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

  城市印象 — 美國藝術家柯克•佩德森繪畫攝影作品展



  “城市印象 — 美國藝術家柯克•佩德森繪畫攝影作品展”在瀋陽、廣州、深圳、上海、北京相繼開展。柯克•佩德森是美國著名繪畫藝術家、攝影家,此次展覽將展出他的繪畫作品55件,攝影作品28件。通過色彩斑斕、極富視覺衝擊力的熱抽象繪畫語言,我們將感受到藝術家對世界多個城市的不同印象。


  Urban Impression---- Solo exhibition by Kirk Pedersen’s (US)

  Duration: 9th -15th ,Jan.

  Venue: Building No.3

  Kirk Pedersen is a well-known painter and photographer from the United States. “Urban Impression” will be presented in Shenyang, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Beijing .and five further cities. The exhibition comprises 83 works, including 55 paintings and 28 photographs. The deep spirit evident in Kirk Pedersen’s art works brings us a portrayal of splendid urban landscapes and of modern civilization. The passion of the artist can be felt through the transmission of his vision in his paintings and photographs.

  Pedersen’s works present the city impressions by various delicate details from the city that can be often seen or used in daily life rather than the modern metropolis spectacular scene. He hopes human being experience the charm of the city by heart and insists the real city is not what your eyes see but what your heart feels.


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· [專稿]對畫空間:畫中有話 開幕現場
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