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藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-07-27 13:17:18 | 文章來源: 藝術中國




  油畫作品《浮華心象 .之一》入選山東省“體驗與實驗”第二屆小幅油畫展並獲優秀獎 . 同年入選北京國際藝苑山東省小幅油畫優秀作品展併入選畫集。 (北京國際藝苑美術館)(山東美術館)



  2002年 《心境、物語》畢洪量油畫作品展。(山東淄博美術館)

  2006年 耶和華沙龍油畫聯展 ( 北京大山子798藝術區創世之初畫廊)

  2007年4月 畢洪量 油畫作品展(北京大山子798藝術區創世之初畫廊)

  2007年7月 《美術家》畢洪量專輯出版

  2007年7月 畢洪量油畫作品展 (北京大山子798藝術區夸克美景藝術空間)

  2007年7月 東方博物藝術品拍賣














  Bi Honglang, 1971 Born in ZhiBo, Shandong Province. graduated from Shandong Art University and the teaching assistant class of mural department in Central Academy of Fine Art, the literature bachelor's degree, the member of Chinese mural academic association, the member of Chinese antique academic association.

  The oil painting << The fifth of superficial emotion>>join the exhibition of fourth academy light "Confucius I ask" in CAFA, and on-line in Guardian. (the exhibition hall of CAFA)

  The oil painting《The first of superficial emotion 》join the second oil painting exhibition "experience and experiment" in Shandong province, and get an excellent prize. Join international Art of Peking and a small exhibition in Shandong province (Art Museum in Shandong) (international art museum in Peking)

  The oil painting《The melody of suona》join panting exhibition to memorial Maozhedong 5.23 about the talks in Yan′an literature symposium 60 anniversary,(Shandong Art Museum)

  The oil painting 《The city rhyme 》join the tenth panting exhibition of the country and Shandong branch and get an excellent prize.(Shandong Art Museum)

  Selected Exhititions

  2002 《mood, material language 》the oil panting exhibition of Bihongliang (Shandong ZhiBo Art Museum)

  2006 The oil painting exhibition of Jehovah salon six people cooperation ( 798 art areas in Peking )

  2007年4月 Bi Hongliang oil painting exhibition (798 art areas in Peking)

  2007年7月 Publish Bi HongLiang’s special issue 《Today Chinese art 》

  2007年7月 Exhibition of Bi Hongliang’s oil painting (798 Quac Art Space)

  Join exhibition and get prize in other province and cities.

  The oil painting had published in magazine such as 《The oil painting art 》《The art observation 》《Today Chinese art 》《panting of "the light of the college" in central academy of fine art》《Art works in Shandong 》《small oil painting gather with excellent in Shandong 》《the second work with excellent scenery exhibition in Shandong gather 》etc. several papers had published in the national class publication, the painting has already show in the news medium, such as television station and news agency...etc., and collect by museum and personal in domestic and international.

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