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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-07-16 17:44:05 | 文章來源: 藝術中國




公司/company是由陳軸、李明、李然、鄢醒于2008年創辦的未知項目。2010年起,他們陸續實施了一系列 的項目,定名為“一個計劃”。此次「無可告知」項目由發起人陳軸邀請15位藝術家共同完成,公司/company 將繼續通過各種持續的實踐搭建一個可參考的平臺,進而推進四位創辦人各自的創作。


藝術家:陳維、陳軸、James Elaine、賈宏宇、金閃、李富春、林科、李明、李然、劉詩園、呂志強、郭鴻蔚、時小雯、楊俊嶺、鄢醒



項目週期: 2010.7.17-07.30

項目空間:站台中國當代藝術機構B空間(北京市朝陽區草場地村 319-1 藝術東區 A 區)

Organizer: Platform China Contemporary Art Institute

Artists: Chen Wei, Chen Zhou, James Elaine, Jia Hongyu, Jin Shan, Li Fuchun, Lin Ke, Li Ming, Li Ran, Liu Shiyuan, Lv Zhiqiang, Guo Hongwei, Shi Xiaowen, Yang Junling, Yan Xing

Initiator: Chen Zhou

Project Coordinator: Li Ming, Li Ran, Yan Xing

Project Period: 2010.6.3 - 2010.7.17

Project Site: Platform China, No.319-1, East End Art Zone A, Caochangdi Village, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

Platform China will present the new project of COMPANY at 15:00 on July 17 in space B, and we sincerely invite you to this A Project–Incommunicable.

COMPANY is an undisclosed project co-founded by Chen Zhou, Li Ming, Li Ran, Yan Xing in 2008. Since 2010, COMPANY has successively launched a series of projects named after A Project. On this occasion , Chen Zhou, the initiator of COMPANY, will be working with fifteen artists to present A Project–Incommunicable. Through these continuous practices, COMPANY aims at setting up a platform to promote the four founding members’ individual productions.

簡 介



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