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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-04-26 13:57:08 | 文章來源: 藝術中國
容易受傷的蘋果, 60x48x38cm, 鑄銅、丙烯, 2009, 廣慈, The Apple Easy To Get Hurt , 60x48x38cm, bronze, acrylic, 2009, Guangci05


蛇王, 146x34x15cm, 鑄銅、金箔, 2008, 廣慈, The Snake King, 146x34x15cm, bronze, gold foil, 2008, Guangci24


桃園三結義, 46x56x43cm, 鑄銅、丙烯, 2009, 廣慈, Taking Oath in the Peach Garden, 46x56x43cm, bronze, acrylic, 2009, Guangci18


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