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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-01-26 09:37:24 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


李榮明 《夜》

李榮明 《無題》


Li Rongming’s artworks express artist’s unique surrealism via metaphor. In these printings, numbers of bizarre animals are telling audience some stories, while they all carry certain reflection of humanity.



HuaGuang Ceramics Co. Ltd. and artist Zhang Jinling worked together to design the ‘Jin Ling• Lotus Pond’ artistic tea set. This creation perfectly mixed exquisite quality of celadon and Zhang Jinling’s Chinese traditional painting – Dream River. The combination of Chinese painting and celadon shows one kind of gentle beauty.

鈔子兄弟 《三美神(黑色人種)》

鈔子兄弟 《東方紅》


As far as the Chao Brothers are concerned, Eastern Red is the pronoun of ‘Red China’. Since the red political authority established in China, Eastern Red has boarded the stage of Chinese history as a special symbol. The eastern tractor and locomotive is exactly a typical representative of this particular period of industrial development.

張江藝術館曲豐國 《世界2007NO.16》

張江藝術館李磊 《練習曲》

張江藝術館曹靜平 《有魔法的雲》


When the painting had been placed on the warm cashmere and the soft silk had met the fluency lines, arts suddenly turned into sort of winding around neck.

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