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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-01-26 09:37:24 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


王平 陶瓷

王平 1986年生於浙江紹興 2008年畢業于中國美術學院

Wang Ping 1986 Born in ShaoXing City, Zhe Jiang Province 2008 Graduated from China Academy of Fine Arts


湯志義 漆器

湯志義 漆器

湯志義 漆器



The pure spirit of lacquer that once had lingered in utensils for a long time, and it let people thought her talent had been locked. Actually, she was just waiting, for the proper timing and person, which could provide a vast and quiet platform to match her intelligence.

喬遷 種子——張蛋蛋和李花花系列

喬遷 《水》

喬遷 《化蝶》

我希望用作品完成自己的精神回鄉之旅;我希望用自己的作品歌頌生命的尊嚴和魅力 —— 喬遷手記

I wish I could travel to the hometown of spirit via arts, I wish I could praise the dignity and charm of life by my own creation.

Noted by Qiao Qian

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