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藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-03-06 10:18:18 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

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  The Photographic Works of Zeng Li, 5:00pm March 21, 2009


  . . . Documentary photography provides important insights into the real world and it is through the camera lens that we observe and can consider our historic circumstances. After a century of change, should we now take a fresh look at the history and landscape of today’s China?

  I have always been fascinated and deeply moved by historic photography that relates to and reflects about its own particular era. The monumental work of August Sander, Bernd & Hilla Becher and Sebastian Salgado - as well as Marc Riboud’s on-going work about China; a significant and valuable part of China’s contemporary history.

  For me, photography is a long-term job that will take dozens of years to complete - photographing a city, a factory, or a series of streets; each has become a major project for me, My initial intention was to produce a comprehensive body of work that systematically records, in an objective way, the images that l have observed. As l now flip through these thousands of photographs, I realize that much of the scenery that l photographed has disappeared forever.

  China is in the midst of rapid change; huge changes that amaze the rest of the world. Living with these changes sharpens my awareness of the significance of photography and these accumulated images will evoke people’s feelings about their own circumstances, and will become part of their history.

  I wish to be an honest author of imagery, and to construct a “museum” of images of today’s history with my work.

  - Zeng Li

  曾力的攝影作品 在近一個世紀的變遷之後,我們是否應該重新認識歷史,重新認只今天中國的圖景?攝影通過鏡頭洞明現實的本質,從這個意義上看,那些直接來自生活現實的影像,也許會成為關注和沉思的影像,也許會成為關注和沉思歷史處境的重要文獻。

  在攝影歷史上,那些敘述和表達一個時代的作品總是深深地吸引著我。桑德(August Sander)、貝歇夫婦(Bernd & Hilla Becher)和沙爾加多(Sebastian Salgado)的作品就像一部史詩。還有呂布(Marc Riboud),他所有關於中國的作品,都是中國當代影像史中非常重要和珍貴的部分。從他們的作品中,我獲得一種信念和力量。


  我的願望是做一個誠實的影像作者,用作品建構一座今天歷史的影像“博物館”。 --曾力

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