本次線下參展售價999元,線上參展399元,若需線上參展則登錄騰訊會議(會議號:498 848 989)。
The 2nd International Art Education Popular Exhibition will be held on 5 November this year at Yunqi Tiandi in Hangzhou's West Lake District. This event aims to promote economic recovery and help people and students raise their awareness of international art education. The exhibition includes a traditional outside exhibition area, three inside exhibition halls.
In the traditional exhibition area, there will be many exhibitors from International schools, art education organizations, language training organizations and International education resources from overseas, with a huge amount of content that will surely be very rewarding for all exhibitors. The first exhibition hall will be the International Art Education and Body, Mind and Wisdom Wealth Enhancement Seminar, where the founders of the seminar will come to give a PowerPoint presentation and explanation to the exhibitors. The second exhibition hall will be an art exhibition area, which is also a meeting place for art celebrities. The third in-field exhibition hall is for music exhibitions, including music brand exhibition, audio brand exhibition and musical instrument exhibition. In order to promote people’s spiritual and cultural life, this exhibition set up stage for elegant music concert and singing and dancing programs on the spot site. We sincerely welcome and will be waiting for all exhibitors and visitors!
This offline exhibition is priced at RMB 999, and online exhibition is RMB 399. If you need to exhibit online, please log on to Tencent Conference (Conference Number: 498 848 989).
來源:中國網 | 撰稿: | 責編:丁薩 審核:張淵
新聞投稿:184042016@qq.com 新聞熱線:135 8189 2583