She Embroiders The Culture of She Ethnic Group

時間:2023-06-06 16:15:00 來源 : DiscoverWenzhou 作者 : ZhongXin

She embroidery is one of the folk arts of the She ethnic group, and it is also an intangible cultural heritage and one of the most distinctive handicrafts of the She ethnic group, carrying the unique cultural imprint of the She ethnic group. She women like to embroider some floral and bird patterns and geometric patterns on the collar, cuffs, front and apron of their clothes. These patterns are not only rich in unique ethnic style, but also have gorgeous colors and novel patterns. 

Lin Qifan learned She embroidery since she was a child, and later studied fashion design. After graduating from university, she engaged in the production and innovation of She embroidery and She ethnic clothing. (ZhongXin)