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Spring outing goes digital in China as technology-empowered tourism offers fresh experiences


The coming of the Tomb-sweeping Day, which usually falls on early April, also heralds the popularity of spring outings. However, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease has disrupted many people’s travel plans. On the other hand, it also leads to the popularity of digital tourism. Other than enjoying the beautiful pictures shared on social media networks, people now can have access to more immersive online travel experiences thanks to emerging livestreaming platforms.


Learn about museums’ treasures by informative online tours


The country’s nine popular museums including the National Museum of China and the Dunhuang Academy China have rolled out virtual tours via partnership with short-video platforms. During the virtual tours, the online visitors can enjoy professional and engaging introduction as well as interact with guides in real time. Such practices enable people to appreciate antiques in a more informative manner.


Rare glimpse into the Potala Palace via livestreaming


The Potala Palace, a landmark in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, held a live streaming tour session on March 1, the first time in its over 1,300-year history. 5G signal vehicles were in place to ensure smooth livestreaming, while some regions that are rarely open to public, such as the golden roofs of the palace, were unveiled during the online tour. Many online visitors were impressed by the digital tour and exchanged their ideas on the bullet screen, which showed viewers’ real-time comments and messages.


Wuhan University’s famed cherry trees blossom online


Besides its academic fame, Wuhan University is also known for its cherry blossoms in the spring. The university in the epicenter city of the epidemic set up an online platform for visitors to enjoy these blossoms from different angles. Some visitors joked that they used to desire for an empty cherry blossom venue in the campus, but now they missed the crowed one.


With the advent of the 5G era and China’s rapid development in VR, AR and other technologies, digital tourism, as a new extension of the industry, will be organically combined with offline tourism in scenic spots in the future. For example, before making travel plans, one can be personally present online to get some initial taste of the destination, which might become a necessary step for future travel.




