嫦娥五號發射成功 與以往的中國探月任務有什麼不同?
來源:中國日報2020-11-24 13:11:45


Chang'e-5, comprising an orbiter,a returner, a lander, and an ascender, with a total takeoff mass of 8.2 tonnes, is expected to accomplish unmanned rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit.“嫦娥五號”探測器起飛重量8.2噸,包括軌道器、返回器、著陸器、上升器四個部分,將在月球軌道實施無人交會對接。


“嫦娥五號”的英文是Chang'e-5,而我國首個載人飛船“神舟五號”的英文是Shenzhou V。這是因為,在英文報道中,無人航空飛行器、衛星、火箭等(unmanned space vessels, satellites, rockets)的編號一般用阿拉伯數字,而載人飛行器(manned spacecraft)的編號一般用羅馬數字。


After it enters the lunar orbit, the lander-ascender combination will separate from the orbiter-returner combination.嫦娥五號進入月球軌道後,著陸器和上升器組合體將與軌道器和返回器組合體分離。

While the orbiter-returner orbits about 200 km above the lunar surface, the lander-ascender will touch down on the northwest region of Oceanus Procellarum, also known as the Ocean of Storms, on the near side of the moon in early December.著陸器和上升器組合體在距離月球表面200公里處留軌運作,著陸器承載上升器計劃12月初在月球西北面的“風暴洋”區域登陸。

About 2 kg of samples are expected to be collected and sealed in a container in the spacecraft.嫦娥五號將在月球收集2公斤樣本,並進行密封封裝。

Then the ascender will take off with the sample, and dock with the orbiter-returner in orbit. After the samples are transferred to the returner, the ascender will separate from the orbiter-returner.之後,上升器帶著採集的月球樣品起飛上升,與軌返組合體對接。樣本轉送至返回器後,上升器會與軌返組合體分離。

The combination of orbiter and returner will then depart the lunar orbit and return to Earth's orbit, where the pair will break up and the returner will conduct a host of complicated maneuvers to return to a preset landing site in North China's Inner Mongolia autonomous region in mid-December.接下來,軌返組合體將離開月球軌道,返回地球軌道,並在那裏實施分離,返回器將進行一系列複雜的操控,于12月中旬在內蒙古自治域的預定地點著陸。

The entire mission is scheduled to last about 23 days, according to the China National Space Administration.國家航太局表示,整個任務預計持續約23天。





3、“回(sample returning)”就是從月球表面採樣返回地球,就是本次嫦娥五號執行的任務,計劃把2千克的月壤樣品帶回地球。

嫦娥五號任務的科學目標主要是開展著陸點區域形貌探測和地質背景勘察(investigate the landing site's geological and topographic features),獲取與月球樣品相關的現場分析數據,建立現場探測數據與實驗室分析數據之間的聯繫;對月球樣品進行系統、長期的實驗室研究,分析月壤結構、物理特性、物質組成(enable scientists to analyze the lunar samples' structure and physical traits),深化月球成因和演化歷史的研究(deepen their research into the moon's origin and evolution)。



探月工程 lunar exploration program月球背面 the far side of the Moon太陽輻射 solar radiation重型運載火箭 heavy-lift carrier rocket在軌測試 in-orbit test公轉週期 period of revolution自轉週期 rotation period

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