中英雙語丨海南離島免稅政策實施10年 交出948億元“成績單





Sales of USD14.5 Billion in 10Years at Hainan’s Duty Free Stores

海南離島免稅政策實施10年 交出948億元“成績單”

China.Org—April 20,2021 marks the tenthanniversary of the pilot duty-freeprogram on Hainan.According to the data from Haikou customs,the sales reach 94.8 billion yuan (14.5 billion USD)while more than 122 million goods have been sold and 22.58 millionvisitors have been attracted over the past ten years.The sales amounted 27.48 billion yuan (USD 4.2billion) and there were 34.1 million goods sold and 4.484 million vistors attracted last year,surging by103.7%、87.4% and19.2% y-o-y;the threeindicators in the firstquarter this year are13.57 billion yuan (USD 2billion),17.75 million goods and 17.86 million visitorsrespectively,anincrease of355.7%、327.7% and176.8% compared to the same period of last year.

中國網訊 2021年4月20日是海南離島免稅政策實施十週年,從2011年至2021年第一季度,海口海關共監管離島免稅購物金額948億元、件數1.22億件、購物旅客2258萬人次。據海口海關統計,去年該關監管離島免稅購物金額274.8億元、件數3410萬件、購物旅客448.4萬人次,同比分別增長103.7%、87.4%、19.2%。今年第一季度,該關監管離島免稅購物金額135.7億元、件數1775萬件、購物旅客178.6萬人次,同比分別增長355.7%、327.7%和176.8%。

Master Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port wasreleased last June andcame into effect one month later,which brought the sixth upgrading of the duty-free policy.The personal duty free shopping quota was lifted from 30,000 yuan to 100,000 yuan, the restriction on the maximum price per unit of goods of 8,000 yuan was removed as well; the list of categories of consumer goods sold without duty was expanded from 38 to 45,withelectronic products like tablets and smart phones added;thequota for everysingle purchase of cosmetics has been lifted from 12 to 30;thenew policy ofmail delivery service to home and that which allowsthe island residentsto leave the purchased items in shop and pick them up when after returningbenefitsthe customers a lot.Up till now,there have been 9 duty free shops across the island in total.


“I used to buy duty-free items abroad when I studied in the U.K,now I can enjoythe commodities likecosmetics and watcheswithreasonable prices at home,especially now when‘ten times bonus point’activity in celebration of the tenth annivesary of the duty-free policy is undergoing”,Cheng Fengmei,a mom-to-be based in Xi’an,says that the mail delivery service is veryconvenient for her.


The offshore duty-free policy in Hainan has been growing steadily from zero over the ten years.“Haikou customs has been making constant efforts to improveinstitutional system,upgrading supervision flow and adjust supervision agency as well as itspersonnel to fulfill the whole chain supervision over duty-free imports, warehousing, sales, goods pick-up and departing the island,we will continue tostrengthen industrial supervision and warning,keep a closer eye on the quality of the import goods and its sources,meanwhile promote  thepublicity of the offshore duty-free policywith great efforts.”Huang Tingting,director of theport control office of Haikou customs says.


Under the guidance of the General Administration of Customs, Haikou customs follows the principle of“preventionprioritized,prevention and curb combined” and establishes normalized risk control mechanism.

The Haikou Customs’Work Plan for Risk Prevention and Control of Offshore Duty-Free has been drafted and an offshore duty-free supervision work leading team with theprincipal of the customs to be its leader has been set up, excellent stafffrom departments ofsupervision, anti-smuggling, science and technologyas well asrisk control are called up together for a special squadfor the research and evaluation of the risk ofoffshore duty-free.

Haikou customs alsoestablishes aregular system of“daily risk monitoring, weekly class research and evaluation, and monthly business meeting”. It takes strict supervision as the top priority to prevent the risk of smuggling of duty-free goods.


Besides, Haikou customs insiststhe offshore duty-free supervision system that“institution to be the core,technology to be the bolster and personnel to be the guarantee”,and leave no effort to the  supervision and anti-smuggling work, as well as the combination of prevention and control.On the other hand,Haikou customs will curb the illegalbehaviors like“daigou”unsteadily to insure that thefavorable policybenefit the people to its largest extent.


For the work in the future,Haikou customs willcontinue to balance between“control” and“open”,strengthen supervisoin and prevent risks,curb all sorts ofsmuggling as well as other illegal activities during the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port,make its own contribution to the construction and development of Hainan Free Trade Port.
