中英雙語 | 博鰲亞洲論壇2021年年會看點多

來源:中國網 海南日報


作者:魏君帆 羅霞


China.0rg--The organization committee of Boao Forum for Asia summed up thehighlights of theannual conference this year, andrealeased iton theofficial WeChataccount.Theme agenda in respond to the needs of times,huge topics covered in the sub-forums,ensuring the key guests’participations online and offline,“Asian Perspective”from 20-year experience have all been mentioned. 

中國網訊 近日,博鰲亞洲論壇微信公眾號發佈博鰲亞洲論壇2021年年會看點,包括主題議程呼應時代需求,分論壇涵蓋重大、熱門話題,“線上+線下”確保大咖參與、20年經驗總結“亞洲方案”等多方面。

Themed  with“A World in Change: Join Hands to Strengthen Global Governance and Advance Belt and Road Cooperation”,theannual conference of2021 Boao Forum for Asiais expected to be held between April 18th and 21st. The upcoming event will be the first large-scale onsite international conference this year,while it isestimated that about2000participants including stateleaders of China and foreign countries,formerpoliticians as well as guests from various international organizations will join the event,onsite or online.


Approximately63 activities arescheduled to be held, including three press conference,44 sub-forums, four dialogues and seven round tables.Diversified topics including digital currency, poverty alleviation, free trade port, intellectual property protection and artificial intelligence,5G,carbon neutrality,food security,new infrastructure, WTO reform,dualcirculation,Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area,COVID-19 vaccinations,cybercelebrity andsupply chain. Each key word will be connected with one or twoactivities.


Apart from thepopular“hot points”, majoreconomic and social questions that China,Asia and the whole world  need to take into consideration like global economy outlook,green economy development and globalcooperation,will bediscussed on the event.
