中英雙語 | 陵水向莘莘學子張開雙臂

來源:中國網 海南日報




China.Org-- The Li’an Public Education Innovation Pilot Zone located at Lingshui Li Autonomous County in Hainan province is well prepared for its first studentsarriving this September,who will study in 16 branches of leadingdomestic and foreign universities. According to the Hainan Daily, new international programs of these educational institutions will be brought here.

中國網訊 位於陵水黎族自治縣的黎安國際教育創新試驗區,已經吸引了16所全國乃至世界頂尖的高校於此開立分校。據海南日報報道,今年9月,黎安國際教育創新試驗區將面向全國首次招生。

According to the publication, over the year, infrastructure construction investments on this site exceeded 3.1 billion yuan (over $ 472 million at the current exchange rate). 17 university campuses have been built up with that money. It isestimated thatapproximately10,000studentscould beaccommodated here.


“We stick to the principle of‘compact university - great knowledge.’ Students seeking to immerse themselves in a foreign atmosphere can do so in Hainan,” said Assistant Manager of thepilot zone Luo Qing. As she clarified, Chinese students will have the opportunity to study under the programs of foreign universities, while foreigners— to master specialties in accordance with the Chinese standards. Grades and academic performance will be mutually recognized regardless of whether it is an institution in China or an educational institution in another country, whose branches are registered in the southernmost province of China.


11 keyindustrial parks wereunveiled last June to promote theconstruction of the Hainan Free Trade Port,while Li’an Public Education Innovation Pilot Zone on the list is the only onefocusing oninternational education cooperation. Agreements were signed with British University of Coventry and the University of Albert (Canada) at the end of 2019 to open local branches in Lingshui. In addition, regional branches of more than a dozenof top state universities of China  will soon begin to operate, including Nankai University, Communication University of China, Beijing Sports University and the Southern University of Science and Technology.
