Calling all creatives! 50,000 RMB for Hainan tariff-free logo



作者: Li Cong


On the 29th, the Department of Commerce of Hainan Province published a call for a new logo design for zero-tariff consumer goods stores on the island province. The winning design will net a prize of 50,000 RMB! The entry period for the contest is from December 29, 2020 to January 10, 2021 at 18:00 (UTC/GMT +8:00). Details on design requirements and how to enter below.

According to the Master Plan for the Hainan Free Trade Port, which was released in June by the central authorities, inbound goods consumed by island residents are subject to positive list management. At present, the Hainan government is making preparations to open the new zero-tariff shops as soon as possible once the policy gets approval.  

A duty-free shop in Haikou (Yuan Chen)

Tariff-free shop logo entries should meet modern aesthetic requirements and contain the words“Hainan",“consumer goods”, and“zero tariff" (in both English and Chinese, abbreviations are acceptable). The proposed design should also have a distinctive style, be suitable for production and publicity purposes, and meet printing and hanging requirements.

All entries can be submitted by email or by post. Please make sure to put "海南自由貿易港日用消費品零關稅購物商店統一標識(LOGO)徵集" (Proposal Design for"Hainan Free Trade Port Zero Tariff Shopping Stores Logo") in the subject line of your email. The logo design file should be in jpg or png format, attached in your email together with the application form and a confirmation letter.


Post address: Room 269, 2nd Floor, Provincial Government Office Building, Guoxing Avenue, Haikou

Attn: Wu Liang, Tel: 65326211.

The Department of Commerce of Hainan Province will organize a team of experts to evaluate all entries and select 10 finalists, each will be awarded RMB 5,000. The final winning design will be awarded RMB 50,000 (minus the RMB 5,000 finalist prize). The list of winners will be published on the website of the Department of Commerce of Hainan ( and through their official WeChat public account:海南商務 (WeChat ID: HN-DOC).