




China net follows:Many scenic spots in Hainan have made an appointment to enter the park during the May Day holiday


Recently, the Tourism and Culture Department of Hainan Province has made specific arrangements for the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and the safe opening of tourist scenic spots during the May Day holiday, requiring tourist scenic spots to strictly implement the system of booking into the park.During the May Day holiday, according to relevant regulations, scenic spots in Hainan will implement a dayparting reservation system through instant messaging, apps, official websites, telephone booking and other channels, so as to guide tourists to visit at intervals and avoid the peak hour. The scenic spots should make overall arrangements on epidemic prevention after resumption, and secure the operation of the tourism market.


How to buy tickets during the May Day holiday


Tourists should book tickets on OTA platforms such as WeChat public accounts (service account or subscription account), WeChat microapps, Ctrip, TravelGo and Mafengwo.


The scenic spot's self-service ticket machine and staff service will be temporarily closed. After booking tickets online or on site through QR codes, tourists can enter the parks with their ID cards or ticket codes.


Tourists are required to make real-name bookings and are not allowed to enter the park without reservations.


Tourists are required to make real-name bookings and are not allowed to enter the park without reservations.


Notice:all tourists must register with their ID cards, wear masks throughout the visit, maintain a one-meter distance, and cooperate with the scenic spot staff to take temperatures. Only after showing health codes can visitors enter the park successively.