Service window makes foreign talents have more convenient employment in Hainan




This year, the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province decided to set up pilot sites in Hainan Ecological Software Park, Fuxing Town, Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone, and Yazhou Bay Science and Technology City to handle services for foreigners to come to China. A few days ago, the reporter visited Hainan Ecological Software Park and felt the convenience brought by the service window to foreigners who came to work.

To better serve the foreign talents, the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province provides relevant training to the staff of the newly established service window. At present, the management standard of the service window is perfect.

The permit service window for foreigners in the park is set in the Enterprise Service Supermarket, where business, taxation, commerce, social security, provident fund, and other functional departments provide convenient one-stop services for business enterprises.

"At present, our service window for permits for foreigners to come to China has begun trial operation. Through the service window, we can pre-examine applications for work permits for foreigners in China within the park. We can answer and feedback promptly, such as the situation of some missing paperwork. We can greatly improve the efficiency of certificate application by promptly reminding and combining with the online system operation,"said the staff at the service window.

The company operator who came to apply for a work permit for foreigners also said happily,"The window staff can quickly feedback questions to us, and the efficiency has been greatly improved!"

At present, the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province has led the drafting of the"Interim Measures for the Administration of Service Permits for Foreigners to Work in Hainan", which limits the time limit for the acceptance of work permits for foreigners to China to 7 working days. Not only that, the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province also allows the park to formulate a classification standard of high-end foreign talents that meets its needs based on the current talent standards, so that more people can enjoy the work permit and visa policy. It will further increase Hainan's attractiveness to foreign talents.

So far, Hainan Province has issued a total of 1,610 valid work permits for foreigners. In the ecological software park, most of the foreign talents come from countries along with the Belt and Road initiative. The number of working people from Russia and Southeast Asia has gradually increased, and most of them are bachelors or above. The main direction for employment and entrepreneurship is the internet information technology industry.

The policies and measures of the Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province and a series of coordinated measures of Hainan Ecological Software Park allow foreign talents to be better and faster introduced. The introduced foreign talents may jointly contribute to the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port.