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Long Lost Penpal

I Thought You Said Summer Is Going To Take The Pain Away

My Best Friend

Hello Saferide北京現場(四)

Hello Saferide帶來的一首新歌

Hello Saferide演唱的瑞典歌曲

Hello Saferide北京現場(三)

Hello Saferide北京現場(二)

Hello Saferide 的清新小情歌

Highschool Stalker

Hello Saferide北京現場(一)

Get Sick Soon

Mattis & Maia

You and me and everyone we know



And I found this boy


Hello Saferide北京演唱會花絮

Mattis and Maia


Long Lost Penpal

I Thought You Said Summer Is Going To Take The Pain Away

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