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Places for you to enjoy Chongqing’s winter
作者:Jiang Yiwei 來源:Hua long Net 時間:2021-01-18 13:34:59責編:Su xin

The new year has arrived. Of course, you can go somewhere for a trip to start a new journey. So where to go this month? These places in Chongqing is worth a visit!

Yuzhong · Zhongshan 4th Road

Zhongshan 4th Road keeps the secret of the past and present stories of Chongqing. In winter, when you walk along the quiet street, you can enjoy ficus virens on both sides which shade out the sun. During the night, you can appreciate dreamlike lantern decorations for spring festival.

Address: Zhongshan 4th Road, Shangqingsi, Yuzhong

Transport: Take CRT Line 2 TO Zengjiayan Station, and then walk to Zhongshan 4th Road

Nanchuan · Jinfo Mountain

Jinfo Mountain is a wonderful choice for Chongqing residents to enjoy snow skiing in the suburbs. It is close to the city with good snow conditions. You can also soak in hot springs and eat roasted sheep.

Address: Nanchuan Jinfo Mountain Scenic Area

Transport: Take the direct bus to Jinfo Mountain from Longtousi Tour Dispatch Hub.

Wulong · Fairy Mountain

As an old tourist resort, Fairy Mountain is very popular all the year round. It’s very special in winter. Everywhere, it is sending out the amorous feelings of the forest and snow fields.

Address: Xinanvshan Town, Wulong

Transport: Take a direct tour bus to Fairy Mountain from Longtousi Tour Dispatch Hub.

Shizhu · Huangshui Town

In winter, the most beautiful place in Shizhu is the beautiful snow field constructed by Qianye Grassland, and the firethorn on the grassland is still eye-catching. In addition to the omnipresent snowy scenery, you can also experience the characteristic folk customs.

Address: Huangshui Town, Shizhu

Transport: Take the high-speed train from Chongqingbei Railway Station to Shizhu, and then transfer to Qianye Grassland

Banan · Dongwenquan Town

Dongwenquan hot spring has a good reputation, with few people and beautiful scenery. There are many farmhouses nearby, surrounded by green hills, birds’ twitter and fragrance of flowers. You can choose to stay here for one night, and then go to the town to visit the market.

Address: Wubuhepan, Dongwenquan Town, Banan

Transport: Take the bus to Sanfeng Spring at Sigongli Hub Station

Dazu · Longshui Lake

There are verdant mountains, turquoise water and a five-star lakeside hot spring. If you come to Longshui Lake, you must have a boat ride, which will add a hazy feeling in winter.

Address: Longshuihu Town, Dazu

Transport: Chenjiaping Bus Station / Longtousi Bus Station / Caiyuanba Bus Station— Longshui Lake (Translated by Luo Juan, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei





