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The hottest part of "Chongqing Online Service System" with a volume of more than 100 million
作者:Xi Xiaoxuan 來源:上游新聞 時間:2020-07-13 16:11:02責編:yu jiang

"Chongqing Online Service System" is a city-wide integrated online government service platform built by Chongqing in accordance with the requirements of implementing online examination and approval services and realizing "one network access". It is also an important achievement for Chongqing to deepen the reform of "management and service" and promote "Internet + government services". On July 7, Chongqing held a press conference on "speeding up the construction of the government service system of Chongqing Online Service System".


(Picture provided by Zhoule)

Yang Lin, deputy director of the General Office of the Chongqing Municipal people's Government, said that since its official launch in November 2018, "Chongqing Online Service System" has launched versions 1.0 and 2.0 successively, and its service functions have been iteratively upgraded, further highlighting the effectiveness of the application.

Up to now, the registered users of "Chongqing Online Service System" have exceeded 12 million, with a cumulative total of more than 100 million pieces. 462 items from 20 municipal departments are integrated into "Chongqing Online Service System" Yang Lin said that since the launch of Chongqing Online Service System version 2.0 on January 10 this year, the number of mobile online services has increased from 942 in January this year to 1016, with more than 400 new features in districts and counties.


(Picture provided by Zhoule)

the offline services of "Chongqing Online Service System" are more smooth

In addition to the improvement of online services, the offline services of "Chongqing Online Service System" are more smooth.

Yang Lin said that the "the government service platform has vigorously promoted the new mode of "One platform for integrated management, classified examination and approval, and unified delivery" in all districts and counties of the city. For example, a "One platform for integrated management" service area is set up in Jiulongpo District, which centralizes 306 administrative license items involving 18 departments and scattered in 35 office windows into 14 windows to provide online booking, numbering, bid and progress inquiry services for the public. Yuzhong District has classified 26 departments according to the six major areas of synthesis, investment, transportation, public security, market supervision and taxation, and the examination and approval time has been averagely reduced by more than 65% compared with the legal time limit.

"Chongqing Online Service System" has basically formed the overall framework of the "12345" government service system

At the same time, "Chongqing Online Service System" has strengthened cooperation with banks, postal services, and convenience stores to facilitate the masses to handle affairs on their doorstep through free agency, door-to-door service, and self-service handling.

Yang Lin said that after continuous exploration and continuous construction in recent years, "Chongqing Online Service System" has basically formed the overall framework of the "12345" government service system: "1 goal", that is, more efficient government service and more enjoyable experience; "2-line integration". That is, online and offline service integration, functional complementarity. "3 general positioning", that is, to build "Chongqing Online Service System" into the city's online "general portal, platform and hub" for social governance and public services, and "4-terminal coordination", that is, to realize the collaborative service of computer terminal, mobile terminal, self-service terminal and hall window. connection of 5 levels", that is, access to the national integrated online government service platform, horizontally connect municipal departments, and downward connect districts, counties, townships, and village communities, so as to achieve the integration of urban and rural areas.


(Picture provided by Zhoule)

Which of the more high-frequency service items are inquired and handled by ordinary people on the "Chongqing Online Service System" platform?

 Feng Jun, director of the e-government center of Chongqing Municipal Government, introduced the relevant situation. Judging from the matters inquired and handled by the broad masses of enterprises and the masses on the computer side and the mobile side, the "Chongqing Online Service System" government service platform big data shows:

The top 10 services for computer-side queries and processing are:

Personal account inquiry of provident fund.

Social security information inquiry.

Inquiry on the progress of resident share card application.

Student status inquiry.

Professional qualification certificate inquiry.

Inquiry of traffic violations on expressways.

Express delivery inquiry.

Enterprise license inquiry.

Registration of individual businesses

Personal real estate inquiry

The top 10 services for mobile queries are as follows:

Investigation and registration of coronavirus.

Personal real estate information inquiry.

Social security information inquiry.

Integrated service management of real estate.

Coronavirus prevention information code (Yukang code).

Registration of individual businesses .

Resident Certificate Enquiry.

(Translated by Xi Xiaoxuan, Fathom Language Limited)






